December 3, 2001

Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20459
E-mail address:

Re: Mandated EDGAR Filing for Foreign Issuers; Release Nos. 33-8016, 34-44868, International Series Release No. 1250; File No. S7-18-01

Dear Mr. Katz:

The Consortium of Filing Agents and Software Developers ("Consortium") is pleased to address some of the questions raised in the Commission's September 2001 proposal release on Mandated EDGAR Filing for Foreign Issuers ("Release"). The Consortium is presently comprised of a dozen firms that provide a variety of EDGAR filing services.

We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the process of addressing the challenging issues raised by applying technology on a global scale. We have addressed the questions raised in the Release that are the most relevant for our members (and in many cases, our clients).

In conclusion, we appreciate the opportunity to provide comment and have attempted to address the practical issues all companies face in their efforts to meet the SEC's online filing requirements. We recognize that some of our members could have different views on some of these issues.

Sincerely and on behalf of the Consortium of Filing Agents and Software Developers,

/s/ Rick Bonaparte_______
Rick Bonaparte
Davis, Polk & Wardwell

The Consortium of Filing Agents and Software Developers includes:

American Financial Printing
Bowne & Co., Inc.
Capital Printing
Color Art Printing Co.
Command Financial Press
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Imperial Financial Printing
Merrill Corporation
Pacific Financial Printing
R.R. Donnelley Financial

cc: The Honorable Harvey Pitt, Chairman
The Honorable Isaac C. Hunt, Jr., Commissioner
The Honorable Laura S. Unger, Commissioner
David B.H. Martin, Director, Division of Corporation Finance
Mauri Osheroff, Associate Director, Division of Corporation Finance