  • (Visit For Current Utah Wild Fire Information & Restrictions)
  • New toll-free number--1-866-447-1283--for current fire restrictions, fire closures or and other fire related information in Southwestern Utah and Northwestern Arizona

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BLM Utah is responsible for fire management on more than 22 million acres of public land. The terrain ranges from sparse desert sand dunes through brush covered hillsides, pinion and juniper covered mountains, to lush river valleys. Utah BLM provides more than 100 firefighters, 26 engines and aircraft to support the Wildland Fire Program--an interagency effort between BLM, other Federal, State, and local agencies.

The Wildland Fire Program includes training, fire prevention and mitigation, wildland/urban interface, grant programs for rural fire departments, hazardous fuels reduction, active fire suppression, and rehabilitation of burned areas.

For current fire information, fire news, hazardous fuels reduction, fire rehabilitation information, information on improving your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire, and other fire links, please go to

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 brown dot Milford Flat Fire Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Resoration Effort

 brown dot Snapshots - Success Stories Supporting the National Fire Plan

 brown dot Fire Prevention LinksZ

brown dot Utah Fire Management Plans

 brown dot Fire Academy

 brown dot IFMP Info

 brown dot Jobs

 brown dot Other Links