Retired Committees

Internetwork Interoperability Test Coordination (IITC) Committee, 1996-2008

IITC provides an open forum in which North American telecommunications industry service providers, vendors, and the user community communicate. This committee coordinates internetwork, interoperability testing of telecommunications services and architectures resulting from the introduction of new network interconnections and technologies.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Forum, 2001-2008

The IVR Forum identifies features that make IVR and voice mail easier to use by persons with disabilities. It will also address the FCC’s disabled-access concerns regarding voice mail services and interactive menu products.

Network Integration, Operations and Administration Forum

NIOAF is the collection of standalone Forums and Committees established by the ATIS Board of Directors to address concerns regarding network integration and OAM&P interfaces and procedures. The NIOAF Forums and Committees proactively examine new technologies and services to determine where network integration and OAM&P concerns may reside and develop solutions supporting the rollout of these technologies and services. Current groups within NIAOF include the Industry Numbering Committee (INC), the Network Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NIIF), the Internetwork Interoperability Test Coordination Committee (IITC), and the Bar Code/Standard Coding Committee (BCSC).

Text Telephone (TTY) Forum, 1997-2008

The TTY Forum develops alternatives that provide the deaf and hard-of-hearing, as well as those with speech or language disabilities, with access to telephone and wireless communications, through the use of a TTY device.

Committee T1, 1984-2004

ANSI-accredited Committee T1 was established in February 1984 at the divestiture of AT&T to develop technical standards and reports regarding interconnection and interoperability of telecommunications networks at interfaces with end-user systems, carriers, information and enhanced-service providers, and customer premises equipment (CPE).

The Telecommunications Industry Forum, (TCIF), 1986-2004

TCIF was founded in June 1986 to promote understanding and implementation of global standards, guidelines and emerging technologies involving electronic data interchange, electronic commerce and bar coding.

Network and Services Integration Forum (NSIF), 1991-2002

NSIF worked to resolve interoperability issues to promote wide deployment of SONET, including IP over SONET, ATM over SONET, and ATM over optical networks.

Generic Requirements Users Group (GRUG), 2000-2002

The GRUG identified and provided tools and recommendations for the industry to identify standards, specifications, guidelines, and operating procedures to make interoperability of existing and emerging telecommunications products and services possible.

Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC), 1984-2002

The CLC served as the executive overseer for the Network Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NIIF), the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), the Industry Numbering Committee (INC), and the Toll Fraud Prevention Committee (TFPC).


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