context->filename = 'n:\utility\503500258\5006214630\5006214630.pdf' *Pages 1--1 from n:\utility\503500258\5006214630\5006214630.pdf* Magalie Roman Salas Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S. W., TW- A325, Washington, D. C. 20554 Dear Ms. Salas: l am writing concerning the proposed descriptive video rules under MM Docket Number 99- 339. We in the blindness community care about and want very much to have access to television programming through descriptive video. We want access to what almost every other American takes for granted. I also wish to thank the Federal Communications Commission for their standing up for our simple request to be a full partner in the national experience of television. I also wish to encourage you to stay the course in the face of those who would deny us our rightful enjoyment of what is offered to the public. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this crucial issue which impacts on the quality of life of blind and/ or visually- impaired Americans. bd .-. -- _..-. -...- -.___ _~-._-._._ 1