BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Market of the Month - Indonesia


Are you aware that Indonesia currently ranks number five worldwide in Export Success Stories?
And number one in Southeast Asia?
Wouldn't you like your company to share in that success?

Here's a few fact that you might not be aware of:

  • Indonesia is the world's fourth largest country, with a population of over 230 million.
  • Indonesia's GDP is growing at over 6% annually, and is expected to reach 6.8% this year.
  • Indonesia has by far the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
  • Indonesia is the world's third largest democracy, with a thriving open economy.

Commercial travel and business opportunities in Indonesia are now easier and more accessible! On Friday, May 23, 2008, Ambassador Hume announced that the U.S. government's travel warning on Indonesia had been lifted - effective immediately.

This announcement will benefit commercial travel and will allow sales opportunities for American firms to increase. Ambassador Hume commended "the improvements made by Indonesia in its current security situation."

Indonesia Overview

As reported by the Economist magazine in May 2008, Indonesia is attracting tremendous attention from Asian firms as the Indonesian economy expands, its vibrant regional autonomy offers new avenues for investment access and sales opportunities, while locally produced commodity prices soar. The news reports that the queue of Asian companies in Indonesia “reads like a “Who's Who” of global industrialists.”

Indonesian internal growth continues to fuel consumer demand and the traffic lines leaving the airport passing in front of multiple US franchises such as A& W, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and advertisements for Serta underline the appeal of American products and services.

International news analysts report that it is imminent that American firms will shed their wariness and join the Asian firms converging on Indonesia to broaden their current American expansion in China and India.

Continuing progress in managing the high growth and increasing lifestyle demands has led to another year where the Indonesian stock market achieved record performance and finished the year as the number 3 top performer in Asian bourses, increasing domestic wealth and confidence.

On the social front, Indonesia was in the top 3 best performers worldwide on improving the business environment as measured by the Global Peace Index published on May 20, 2008. As Sir Moody Stuart, chair of Anglo American and the UN Global Compact Foundation explained, investment and business benefit from more peaceful environments. This year the report highlights the link between business and peace by analyzing the correlation between peaceful countries and business activity in the Industries that Prosper in Peace report released on May 20th alongside the Global Peace Index.

With growth and stability becoming the benchmarks to market opportunities and Indonesia’s steady and sharp progress, American firms can look to the most  populous market in Southeast Asia as a key part of expanding exports and participating in the growth of Asia as a key to successful American firms.


For more information on Indonesia, please visit the website for the U.S. Commercial Service’s office in Indonesia at