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Recent Events

March 31, 2009

CREM Publishes Guidance on Development, Evaluation and Application of Environmental Models

January 12, 2009

CREM releases White Paper on Integrated Modeling to Integrated Environmental Decision Making

September 22, 2008

The CREM announced its plans for an EPA-wide workshop on Life-Cycle Model Evaluation. The workshop will take place in the EPA Region 4 in Atlanta, GA on November 5-6, 2008. The workshop website provides further information.

September 22, 2008
The CREM announced its plans for a workshop on the information technology and information management aspects of Integrated Modeling. The workshop is open to participants from within and outside of EPA and will be held on December 10-12, 2008 in Phoneix, AZ to coincide with the OEI National Environmental Information Symposium.
August 13, 2008

CREM Guidance on the Development, Evaluation and Application of Environmental Models issued for a 30-day public comment period

June 14, 2007

NRC Study on Models in Environmental Regulatory Decision Making Released. Exit EPA Disclaimer

January 30-February 1, 2007

Integrated Modeling Workshop held in RTP

December 1, 2006

EPA Administrator Steve Johnson responds to the SAB's Regulatory Environmental Modeling (REM) Guidance Advisory Panel report. The Administrator's response (PDF) (2 pp, 107 KB, about PDF) outlines the following activities that the CREM, with the support of the Science Policy Council, will accomplish in the following year:

November 15, 2006

The CREM announced its plans for an EPA-wide workshop on Integrated Modeling for Integrated Environmental Decision Making. The workshop will take place in the EPA campus in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. The workshop website provides further information.

October 26, 2006

The latest installment in the CREM Regional Seminar series took place on October 26, 2006. This seminar included speakers from the University of Wisconsin as well as EPA's Region 5, Office of Water, Office of Environmental Information and Office of Research and Development. The aim of the seminar was to provide an overview of a variety of tools currently being developed and used by Region 5 to assist in watershed and water quality management activities. Please see the Regional Seminars page for further information.


October 10-11, 2006

The Trans-Atlantic Uncertainty Colloquium (TAUC) was held in Washington, DC. More information may be found on the TAUC website. Exit EPA Disclaimer

August 22, 2006

The Science Advisory Board's Regulatory Environmental Modeling (REM) Guidance Advisory Panel issued its report on the Review of the CREM Draft Guidance on the Development, Evaluation and Application of Environmental Models and the Models Knowledge Base (PDF) (76 pp, 668 KB, about PDF). The report is available on the SAB's website.

December 1, 2005

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Panel on Environmental Models. The CREM is working with the NAS to develop a &Red Book" on environmental models. The NAS panel has been formed and has convened three public workshops. See: http://www8.nationalacademies.org/cp/projectview.aspx?key=50 Exit EPA Disclaimer

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