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What's New?

May 23-24, 2009: The next NAGPRA Review Committee meeting is scheduled in Seattle, Washington, at the Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue, 1415 Fifth Avenue. AGENDA

October 30-31, 2009: NAGPRA Review Committee meeting in Sarasota, FL
Deadline dates for the meeting are below:

  • June 29, 2009: Deadline for requesting, as appropriate, that the Review Committee convene parties and hear a dispute, or otherwise make findings of fact
  • July 29, 2009: Deadline for requesting that the Review Committee make a recommendation on a CUI disposition agreement
  • August 29, 2009: Deadline for a request to make a presentation to the Review Committee

What's New In Training...

May 20-21, 2009: New training offered! Writing and Managing a Successful NAGPRA Grant, Seattle, WA. Click here for additional NAGPRA and NAGPRA-Related Training.

June 30, 2009: How to Write a Successful Federal Register Notice for NAGPRA: Types, Process and Content, Webinar 2-4pm EST

September 14, 2009: New training offered! Determining Cultural Affiliation, Chicago, IL

September 15-16, 2009: Writing and Managing a Successful NAGPRA Grant, Chicago, IL

October 29, 2009: NAGPRA Basics Training, Sarasota, FL (registration info coming soon)

Other News...

June 30, 2009: Last day to apply for a FY2009 NAGPRA Repatriation Grant. Click here for FY2009 Grant Application Guidelines and Forms.

October 2009: Please check back in October for the FY2010 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation application.

The online Culturally Unidentifiable Native American Inventories Database was updated March 2009.

Culturally Affiliated Native American Human Remains Not Published In Notices Report

October 11-12, 2008 San Diego, CA

FY2008 National NAGPRA Final Year report

Guidance on alleging that a museum as failed to comply with NAGPRA.

Letter to Potentially Aggrieved Parties Alleging a Museum has failed to comply with the requirements of NAGPRA

For matters related to the Native Hawaiian community, visit The Office of Hawaiian Relations.



Funding is now available to cover travel and per diem expenses for the first 15 representatives from a Federally-recognized tribe, Native Hawaiian organization or Alaska Native village or corporation who qualify, to attend the NAGPRA program’s newest training “Writing and Managing a Successful NAGPRA Grant” scheduled for May 20-21, 2009 in Seattle, Washington.

Image of consultation with Hopi tribe at the Museum of Northern Arizona.  Courtesy of the Museum of Northern Arizona.

Attendees will learn how to take the current needs of their tribe or museum and turn it into a fundable project, gain an understanding of how the NAGPRA grants are awarded and monitored and develop a first draft of a grant application.

For the first 15 people who qualify, the National Museum of the American Indian is offering $1,000 per applicant payable upon completion of the seminar to offset the costs for accommodations, travel and per diem to attend the workshop. There is no application necessary for this funding, however applicants must be committed to attending the entire seminar and be affiliated with a tribe, a Native Hawaiian organization or an Alaska Native village or corporation.

Also, the National NAGPRA Program, through the National Preservation Institute, is offering scholarships to representatives from tribes, NHO’s and Alaska Native villages and corporations to offset the cost of the registration fee ($375 before April 8; $425 regular rate). Additional scholarships are available to tribes, NHO’s and museums to attend select courses through the National Preservation Institute.

For more information contact the National Preservation Institute at or 703.765.0100, or go to A list of available courses can be accessed through the National NAGPRA program website.


The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) is a Federal law passed in 1990. NAGPRA provides a process for museums and Federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural items -- human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony - to lineal descendants, culturally affiliated Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

The National NAGPRA program assists the Secretary of the Interior with some of the Secretary's responsibilities under NAGPRA. Among its chief activities, National NAGPRA develops regulations and guidance for implementing NAGPRA; provides administrative and staff support for the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Commitee; assists Indian tribes, Native Alaskan villages and corporations, Native Hawaiian organizations, museums, and Federal agencies with the NAGPRA process; maintains the Native American Consultation Database (NACD) and other online databases; provides training; manages a grants program; investigates allegations of failure to comply; and makes program documents and publications available on the Web.



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