BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Kimberly Clark

Picture of Kimberly Clark

September 17th, 2007 – March 17th, 2008

School: California State University, Sacramento
Major: International Business
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

One of the most important things to remember is you can learn something from every experience, even when it doesn’t turn out to be what you expected.  During my time here at the Sacramento USEAC I was the web mistress.  When I first received the assignment, not only was I not exactly thrilled, I knew nothing about building or maintaining a website.  As time passed I was faced with many technical challenges, resulting in my mind being awoken to the possibilities of Information Technology usage in a business setting.  As time went on, I began to find ways to challenge myself, with my goal being to make our website the greatest of all the U.S Commercial Service websites.  Through this work I greatly increased my critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities.  Working with the website I had an opportunity to create, edit, and streamline content for effectiveness.  I learned a little HTML and how to work with video and Mp3 files.  I also learned to work with supportive programs that aid in maintaining the website such as photo editing (GIMP, Microsoft Photo Editor) and file conversion software (Adobe Acrobat).  I now plan on taking classes in HTML and web design and I am constantly thinking about how I can intertwine my new technical knowledge with my entrepreneurial plans.  It has been an eye opening experience.

My time here at the USEAC has taught me more than just technical skills.  I have learned to be proactive at all times, to constantly anticipate what must be done.  I have learned how to take direction and how to self evaluate constructively.  I have learned how to communicate with clients as well as coworkers in a professional manner.  Through written communication with clients, as well as the writing of Event Highlights, and Success Reports, I have greatly improved my ability to write in a concise and professional manner.  The research I conducted has helped me to get a better view of business in the international arena, as well as hone my research skills.  I have become familiar with many helpful programs and services the government has available for established companies and budding entrepreneurs.  Participating in this six-month internship helped me learn to manage time and become more committed.  This internship has given me skills that will be useful throughout my life and career.