BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for John Alexander Rocha

John Rocha

January 05, 2004 – July 06, 2004

School: California State University, Sacramento (Graduated - June 2004)
Majors: International Relations and Economics
Hometown: Modesto, CA

The past six months have been the most rewarding months of my training for future career development. Working for the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center has prepared me for the professional world in more ways than one. First and foremost, it has given me the confidence to approach and complete any situation. It has also provided me with various invaluable skills for the world of business. Some of my duties here included performing market research, speaking and meeting with clients and CEO’s of local businesses, participating in local seminars, conferences and workshops, maintaining relations with commercial officers in US offices abroad and training and managing new staff. Most importantly were the many international conference calls that I was requested to make that reassured my fluency in both Portuguese and Spanish.

Taking part in this internship has increased my communication and writing skills as well as enhanced my ability to work with others as a team. The skills that I have learned while interning with the Sacramento USEAC will help me maintain a competitive edge in my career. Not only have I gained valuable knowledge and skills, but the experience has really increased my interest in working with international trade. I will walk out of here knowing more about which areas I would like to focus my career on. I greatly valued my time with the Sacramento USEAC and I know that if someone is interested in learning more about international business they would also quite enjoy their experience with the organization.