BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Henry Y. Lee

April 2, 2007 – October 2, 2007

School: University of California, Davis (Expected Graduation – June 2009)

Henry Y. Lee

Major: Managerial Economics
Minor: Global and International Studies
Hometown: Santa Clara, CA

My time here at the Sacramento USEAC has been very fulfilling. As an intern, I worked in a high-activity office environment alongside a team to help real-life businesses export U.S. products and services overseas. My role as an intern has been nothing but an enriching experience, from interacting with CEO’s of local businesses to working with government officials to facilitate international commerce.
I have received invaluable training and development. Through this internship, I have improved many skills, such as research, communication, teamwork, management, and presentation skills. The comprehensiveness of the program made me a more well-rounded candidate for future employers.
I would recommend this internship to whoever is interested in international business and is looking for a genuinely challenging and stimulating experience.