BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Kimberly Reyes

Picture of Kimberly Reyes

July 23, 2007 – January 24, 2008

School: University of California, Davis
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Fairfield, CA

Interning at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center has truly been one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my life.  As an International Trade Assistant, I learned valuable professional skills in the field of International Exporting.  These skills included conducting online market research through U.S. Commercial Service field research, writing business e-mails, and communicating with clients on a professional level.  Yet the most valuable skill I gained from this internship was the ability to network with other organizations and government contacts that will prove beneficial in my future academic and professional endeavors. 

During my internship, I also had the opportunity to assist the Legal Department of a State Agency.  As a pre-law student, I have made valuable connections to lawyers who have been able to assist me in the law school application process, and have been offered future employment opportunities through this connection. 

Interning for the U.S. Commercial Service has proved rewarding in the skills I have gained in working in a professional environment, in the knowledge I have obtained in the field of International Trade, but most importantly in the networking opportunities I was presented with.  I would definitely encourage anyone interested in the field of International Relations and Trade to apply.