The Thomas Jefferson Papers


The Library of Congress National Digital Library Program acknowledges with gratitude the following contributions:

The generous support of Reuters America, Inc. and the Reuters Foundation made possible the realization of the Thomas Jefferson Papers Project.

We are especially thankful for the cooperation of the management and staff of the Library of Congress Manuscript Division, custodians of the Library of Congress Presidential Papers Collection in the original and on microfilm, which includes the Thomas Jefferson Papers.

Glenn Gardner, Project Coordinator of the Thomas Jefferson Papers, was responsible for quality review of digital images and of SGML texts, and for coordination of production and online presentation. He was responsible for image- and text-linking and acted as project liaison to NDLP production team staff. He coordinated presentation of the Web site with NDLP Web site design staff.

Herbert Y. Ohta, Digital Conversion Specialist, provided quality review and modification of SGML text. In addition, he performed quality review of digital images and was responsible for tracking and loading digital image rework. He also did a large portion of image-linking and database record-editing.

Laura Graham, Project Coordinator for the George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Papers, performed preliminary work for the Jefferson Papers and assisted at different points in production. She wrote digitization instructions for the scanning contractor, Preservation Resources, and keying and SGML markup instructions for accompanying transcriptions of text. She researched and wrote the descriptive and historical introductory materials for the Web site in consultation with Gerard W. Gawalt, Manuscript Division subject specialist.

Patricia J. Gawronski, technician for the Thomas Jefferson Papers, performed database image-linking and text-linking. She contributed significant content enhancements and editing to database subject fields for Series 1. In addition she performed preliminary analysis of the Thomas Jefferson Papers microfilm collection before digitization.

Christopher J. Pohlhaus, George Washington Papers technician, assisted in review of images and analysis of the Thomas Jefferson Papers microfilm collection before digitization.

Margaret Alessi Mason and Timothy Stutz coordinated the digitization of the Addenda Series and final release of the online collection.

Robert Deans, Library of Congress Junior Fellow, performed image-linking as well as database-record editing.

James Laray, Cultural Resource Specialist at the National Park Service, stitched images together digitally for online presentation. He also assisted in the graphic design work for the essay The Jamestown Records of the Virginia Company of London: A Conservator's Perspective.

As Coordinator of Production for NDLP Collections Martha Anderson provided expertise on the presentation of the four-volume Records of the Virginia Company for Series 8, and general advice and consultation on production as a whole.

Tamara Swora-Gober managed the microfilm scanning contract with Preservation Resources. She acted as the project's liaison to Preservation Resources and provided guidance on a number of digitization, editorial, and production issues. She also serves as the NDLP liaison to the Manuscript Division.

Preservation Resources, a division of Online Computer Library Center, Inc., digitized the Thomas Jefferson Papers from Library of Congress microfilm. They performed pioneering work, and the Thomas Jefferson Papers Project benefitted especially from their expertise in enhancing images of Series 8, Virginia Records. The NDLP acknowledges the expertise and enthusiastic interest of Meg Bellinger, President of Preservation Resources, and her staff, especially Greg LeMar, Manager, Scanning Services; the scanning team responsible for digitizing the Thomas Jefferson Papers; and Lynn Wagner, Manager, New Products and Marketing.

Systems Integration Group, Inc. (SIG), of Lanham, Maryland, was responsible for production of searchable text. Special acknowledgment goes to Valencia Bullock, Donnamarie McDonald, Teresa Clarke, Art Brown, and Dan Pence.

The Digital Scan Center in the Information Technology Services Division at the Library of Congress digitized the forty-two original items from the Addenda to the Jefferson Papers. Special thanks goes to Lisa Cope, Joel Kaufman, Christopher Pohlhaus, Karl Rogers, and Domenic Sergi.

Beth Davis-Brown managed the scanning and text conversion contract with SIG.

Helen Mathura, Contracting Officer for the NDLP paper scanning and microfilming contracts, provided important guidance and support.

Gerard W. Gawalt, Manuscript Division subject specialist, reviewed all historical introductory materials, contributing content, quotations, and editorial advice. He provided quotations used in the Selected Quotations from the Thomas Jefferson Papers. He provided the transcriptions of Jefferson's correspondence with William Short and wrote the essay and transcription that accompanies the Series 7 Household Accounts maintained by Anne Cary Randolph. His generous subject-area expertise was essential to the project.

Joseph J. Ellis, professor of history at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, and Regan A. Solmo, managing editor of Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress, kindly provided permission for the online presentation of Ellis's essay "American Sphinx: The Contradictions of Thomas Jefferson." The essay was originally published in the November-December 1994 issue of the magazine.

Sylvia R. Albro and Holly H. Krueger, Senior Paper Conservators in the Conservation Division, contributed the online essay "The Jamestown Records of the Virginia Company of London: A Conservator's Perspective." This article was originally published in a slightly different form in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the Institute of Paper Conservation, 6-9 April 1997, edited by Jane Eagan (London: IPC, 1998). Ms. Albro also provided the image that accompanies Series 8, Virginia Records, browse page. The image was derived from a slide of manuscript volume 17, Virginia Company of London, Court Book, part B, and portrays the volume after conservation treatment.

Marita Clance of the Conservation Division supplied the images that accompany the essay "The Jamestown Records of the Virginia Company of London: A Conservator's Perspective."

Also in the Conservation Division, Alan Haley evaluated and treated the original manuscripts from the Addenda Series.

Elizabeth Madden provided expertise in designing and maintaining an image- and text-linking database for the Jefferson Papers Project. She has been responsible for major revisions to it and has acted as production liaison for the project to the Library of Congress's Information Technology Services Division.

Andrea Dillon, digital conversion specialist with the NDLP's Web site team, was responsible for Web site graphic design and layout of the Thomas Jefferson Papers Project online collection. She made rich and invaluable contributions to the presentation and navigation of introductory materials and special presentations, especially the Thomas Jefferson Time Line, and the Virginia Records Time Line and for the presentation of introductory materials for the Series 8, Virginia Records, browse page. She also selected images to illustrate the site.

The Prints and Photographs and Geography and Map Divisions both provided images for the Web site's Time Lines.

Warm thanks also to the White House Historical Association for allowing us to offer a glimpse of the historically significant Rembrandt Peale life portrait of Thomas Jefferson (1800).

Jurretta Jordan Heckscher and Emily Lind Baker, NDLP editors, made invaluable contributions in their review of the content, style, and presentation of introductory and descriptive materials for the Thomas Jefferson Papers. They edited all introductory materials, and reviewed the Web site before online release.

David Woodward and Lisa Fruth, of the Library of Congress's Information Technology Services, were responsible for the programming of indexing and for the display of documents in this presentation. The National Digital Library Program is grateful for their advice and continuing expertise.

Ann Seibert, Paper Conservator in the Conservation Office, gave advice and direction for handling original documents.

John Pull of the NDLP digitization team, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, gave invaluable assistance in scanning original documents.

Steve McCollum coordinated and tracked receipt of digital images and was responsible for image diagnostics. Christopher J. Pohlhaus assisted him in tracking receipt of digital images.

Credit goes to National Digital Library Program legal advisor Melissa Smith-Levine, who coordinated permissions and copyright for the Thomas Jefferson Papers collection.

Nancy Eichacker, Operations Manager for the NDLP Conversion Group, provided administrative management and support for this project.

Danna Bell-Russel coordinated distribution of publicity releases along with Guy Lamolinara of the Public Affairs Office.
