BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


AutoRussia 2009 Summer

Enjoy St. Petersburg's Famous White Nights and Find Opportunities in Russia's Automotive Industry!

AutoRussia 2009 Summer by WBR will explore the latest developments in the Russian automotive industry. Despite difficulties in the automotive industry globally, most OEM projects are continuing to build and grow their production in Russia. GM, Suzuki, Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai, Volkswagen and Ford as well as hundreds of T1 and T2 suppliers have or soon will be setting up production facilities to supply this growing market.

Russia's car market is projected to become the third largest in the world by 2012.

The U.S. Commercial Service invites U.S. OEM, T1 and T2 suppliers, consulting companies, logistics providers, materials handling companies and automotive materials suppliers to attend this event. A 10% discount is available by using the booking code USCS. More information can be found by clicking here and by contacting Alexander Kansky, Automotive Specialist, CS St. Petersburg, .