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Common Core of Data (CCD)

Table 2. Public school number of graduates and Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate, by race/ethnicity and state or jurisdiction: School year 2005–06

American Indian/Alaska Native   Asian/Pacific slander   Hispanic   Black, non-Hispanic   White, non-Hispanic
State or jurisdiction Graduates AFGR1   Graduates AFGR1   Graduates AFGR1   Graduates AFGR1   Graduates AFGR1
Reporting states2  28,060 61.8   144,675 89.9   377,499 61.4   335,746 59.1   1,634,143 80.6
Alabama  343 74.4   391 84.3   478 60.1   12,026 57.6   24,680 71.2
Alaska  1,442 51.0   528 76.2   246 68.7   302 57.6   4,843 72.6
Arizona  2,779 45.9   1,689 100.0   16,369 64.4   2,703 77.3   30,551 76.1
Arkansas  172 93.0   467 100.0   1,183 83.7   5,951 72.9   21,017 81.9
California  2,833 62.0   52,334 89.6   124,409 59.1   25,355 59.1   138,584 78.9
Colorado  398 59.8   1,617 90.3   7,727 58.0   2,129 62.9   32,553 82.2
Connecticut  117 77.0   1,251 100.0   3,623 60.3   4,184 69.4   27,047 86.4
Delaware  20 74.1   246 100.0   361 65.3   2,002 70.0   4,646 79.2
District of Columbia         
Florida  434 71.3   4,018 93.1   26,495 61.1   26,759 51.1   76,980 69.2
Georgia  82 43.6   2,625 90.9   3,003 51.2   24,829 54.2   42,959 68.0
Hawaii  27 54.0   8,197 76.8   429 71.0   201 67.7   2,068 72.8
Idaho  203   251   1,359   91   14,192
Illinois  252 71.4   5,816 100.0   15,764 66.4   19,482 60.6   85,503 87.9
Indiana  138 68.0   804 96.6   1,953 68.0   5,140 55.2   49,885 76.1
Iowa  156 72.2   695 100.0   1,100 73.6   1,091 74.2   30,651 87.7
Kansas  319 57.5   772 89.0   2,058 58.6   2,152 65.1   24,517 81.5
Louisiana  237 64.1   626 81.3   533 63.3   12,396 47.2   19,483 70.3
Maine  69 60.5   196 95.1   107 89.2   219 86.2   12,359 76.0
Maryland  178 78.1   3,338 100.0   2,790 78.0   18,558 71.4   30,672 84.3
Massachusetts  151 64.3   2,905 83.9   5,358 63.5   4,765 67.9   48,093 83.0
Michigan  849 49.0   2,676 95.5   2,727 55.0   14,249 50.8   81,795 78.3
Minnesota  778 53.8   3,095 86.6   1,501 63.5   2,973 64.2   50,551 89.8
Mississippi  29 41.4   194 72.7   186 66.4   11,161 59.9   12,278 67.1
Missouri  197 92.9   1,028 100.0   1,257 88.5   8,401 67.1   47,534 83.4
Montana  814 58.4   153 100.0   201 88.5   44 66.7   9,071 84.5
Nebraska  213 57.7   352 92.9   1,236 68.7   1,032 64.8   16,931 91.1
Nevada  231 44.1   1,516 78.4   3,421 44.8   1,385 44.6   9,902 60.8
New Hampshire         
New Jersey  214 100.0   7,088 99.5   12,775 76.2   13,916 74.5   56,056 88.3
New Mexico  2,029 61.2   270 91.2   8,197 61.9   425 69.9   6,901 76.3
New York  539 54.2   12,453 80.2   21,824 48.5   24,840 48.8   102,161 80.0
North Carolina         
North Dakota  374 48.0   56 80.0   63 61.2   62 82.7   6,637 85.9
Ohio  130 63.1   1,641 100.0   1,922 70.7   14,919 60.2   98,744 84.2
Oklahoma  6,494 78.2   732 100.0   2,131 73.2   3,568 69.4   23,572 79.0
Oregon  597 58.3   1,664 91.4   3,139 68.8   746 61.5   26,248 74.9
Rhode Island  54 73.0   277 69.9   1,292 68.0   819 72.0   7,666 80.8
South Carolina         
South Dakota  561 56.2   103 94.5   109 89.3   103 79.2   7,713 87.6
Tennessee  74 66.7   829 93.3   995 70.0   11,086 62.4   37,896 73.1
Texas  816 84.0   9,037 95.5   85,455 64.0   32,183 66.1   112,994 81.1
Utah  341 55.3   844 72.5   2,021 59.7   231 63.6   25,575 81.4
Vermont  51 86.4   118 85.5   72 100.0   87 87.9   6,451 81.9
Virginia  198 60.7   4,078 97.2   3,537 68.8   15,774 63.1   46,010 78.7
Washington  1,170 51.0   5,353 83.8   5,203 63.1   2,673 61.1   45,814 74.7
West Virginia  21 55.3   137 100.0   119 100.0   630 67.1   15,856 77.0
Wisconsin  776 70.7   2,150 93.8   2,430 71.8   4,040 56.0   53,607 92.4
Wyoming  160 65.3   65 95.6   341 65.3   64 54.2   4,897 77.6
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions 
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas3         
DDESS: DoDs Domestic3         
Bureau of Indian Education         
American Samoa  0   879 81.0   0   0   0
Northern Marianas Islands  0   662 79.5   0   0   8 100.0
Puerto Rico  0   0   31,896 68.6   0   0
U.S. Virgin Islands  2   4   67   791   4
— Not available. Idaho did not report membership data needed to calculate the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate by race/ethnicity.
† Not applicable. Jurisdiction reported membership of zero.
1 AFGR standards for Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate. Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate is an estimate of the percentage of an entering freshman class graduating in 4 years. For 2005–06, it equals the total number of diploma recipients in 2005–06 divided by the average membership of the 8th-grade class in 2001–02, the 9th-grade class in 2002–03, and the 10th-grade class in 2003–04.
2 Reporting states totals include any of the 50 states and the District of Columbia that reported data.
3 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense dependents schools (overseas) and the Department of Defense dependents schools (domestic), respectively.
NOTE: Ungraded students were allocated to individual grades proportional to each state's enrollment in those grades. Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, Asian includes Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and American Indian includes Alaska Native. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "NCES Common Core of Data State Dropout and Completion Data File," School Year 2005–06, Version 1b.