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Persistence and Attainment of Students With Pell Grants
Table 23-1 Percentage distribution of 1995-96 low- and middle-income beginning postsecondary students according to their academic preparation, by receipt of Pell Grant and type of institution
Indicator 23 (2003): Table 23-1

1Received Pell Grant in 1995-96.

2Less-than-4-year institutions only. "GED" stands for General Educational Development certificate.

3The SAT/ACT composite score variable is the sum of the verbal and mathematics scores on the SAT. If the ACT examination was taken, the ACT score was converted to an estimated SAT combined score.

4Curriculum levels are described in supplemental note 6.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Low- and middle-income students include all dependent students whose parents had an annual income of less than $70,000 in 1994 and all independent students who, combined with their spouse's earnings, had an annual income of less than $25,000 in 1994.

SOURCE: Wei, C.C., and Horn, L. (2002). Persistence and Attainment of Beginning Students With Pell Grants (NCES 2002-169), table 6. Data from U.S. Department of Education, NCES, 1996/01 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:96/01).

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