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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.76a
Percent of children under age 18 for whom a doctor or other health provider gave advice about how smoking in the house can be harmful, United States, 2002
      Ever given advice Within past year Within past 2 years
Population group Total population (in thousands)d Percente Standard error Percentf Standard error Percentf Standard error
Total   72,699 44.9 0.9 32.1 0.8 38.8 0.9
Race White 56,132 43.9 1.1 30.9 1.0 37.3 1.0
Black 11,123 52.1 2.3 39.3 2.2 47.4 2.2
American Indian or Alaska native 815 38.8 6.6 29.0 5.9 34.9 6.6
Asian 2,576 29.8 4.0 23.4 3.5 26.3 3.7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
Multiple races 1,757 58.3 3.6 38.9 3.9 51.9 3.8
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 13,297 46.2 1.9 34.5 1.8 42.0 1.9
Non-Hispanic, all races 59,402 44.6 1.0 31.6 0.9 38.1 1.0
Non-Hispanic, White 43,463 43.4 1.2 30.0 1.1 36.0 1.2
Non-Hispanic, Black 10,859 51.7 2.3 38.9 2.2 47.0 2.3
Non-Hispanic, other 5,080 40.5 2.9 29.1 2.6 36.1 2.9
Gender Male 37,236 44.7 1.1 31.5 0.9 38.2 1.0
Female 35,463 45.2 1.1 32.8 1.0 39.5 1.1
Age 0-5 23,153 53.2 1.5 45.2 1.4 51.0 1.5
6-17 49,546 41.0 1.0 26.0 0.9 33.1 1.0
Health insurance Any private 47,956 41.5 1.0 29.2 0.9 34.9 1.0
Public only 19,360 55.2 1.5 41.8 1.4 50.4 1.5
Uninsured 5,382 38.0 2.8 23.2 2.6 31.1 2.8
Family incomea Negative or poor 12,438 54.6 2.1 40.5 1.9 49.1 2.1
Near poor/low income 15,494 51.3 1.7 37.1 1.5 45.6 1.6
Middle income 25,004 42.8 1.5 29.5 1.3 36.0 1.4
High income 19,762 36.5 1.6 26.0 1.5 30.3 1.5
Residence locationb Metropolitan-large 40,563 43.2 1.0 31.4 1.0 37.4 1.1
Metropolitan-small 21,261 48.0 2.1 34.2 1.8 41.0 2.1
Micropolitan 7,223 45.9 3.1 31.9 2.5 40.8 2.8
Noncore 3,652 44.0 3.3 28.6 3.0 36.5 3.5
Perceived health status Excellent, very good or good 71,080 44.7 0.9 31.8 0.8 38.5 0.9
Fair or poor 1,619 56.8 3.9 47.4 3.7 50.1 3.8
CSHCNc Yes 14,116 49.5 1.6 37.2 1.5 42.5 1.6
No 57,966 43.8 1.0 30.9 0.9 37.9 0.9

a "Negative or poor" refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; "near poor/low income", over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; "middle income", 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and "high income", 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

b See Measures Specifications Appendix for definition.

c CSHCN: children with special health care needs. Unknown is not shown.

d Numbers may not add to total due to missing or rounding.

e Denominator is total population, excluding children whose parents don't know if they had ever been given advice.

f Denominator is total population, excluding children whose parents don't know if they had ever been given the advice, or when they were given advice.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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