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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.70
Percent of children age 2-17 with a dental visit in the past year, United States, 2000 and 2002
    2002 2000
Population group Total population (in thousands) Percent with visit Standard error Total population (in thousands) Percent with visit Standard error
Total   65,345 49.1 0.9 64,645 47.7 1.1
Racea White 50,241 52.2 1.0 - - - - - -
Black 10,185 37.1 1.8 - - - - - -
American Indian or Alaska Native 790 45.2 7.7 - - - - - -
Asian 2,454 38.9 4.6 - - - - - -
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 277 DSU DSU - - - - - -
Multiple races 1,399 43.7 4.8 - - - - - -
Ethnicityb Hispanic, all races 11,807 33.8 1.3 10,479 32.4 2.1
Non-Hispanic, all races 53,538 52.4 1.0 54,166 50.6 1.2
Non-Hispanic, White 38,959 57.6 1.1 41,160 55.2 1.6
Non-Hispanic, Black 9,962 37.1 1.8 10,255 33.5 2.5
Non-Hispanic, other 4,617 42.2 3.1 2,751 46.1 4.7
Gender Male 33,470 48.6 1.0 33,388 46.4 1.4
Female 31,875 49.6 1.1 31,257 49.0 1.3
Health insurance Any private 43,441 56.9 1.0 45,608 54.3 1.2
Public only 16,964 35.9 1.5 13,154 35.0 2.0
Uninsured 4,940 25.5 2.1 5,883 24.3 2.4
Family incomec Negative or poor 10,932 33.0 1.8 10,277 31.0 2.2
Near poor/low income 13,929 35.9 1.5 13,193 34.6 2.4
Middle income 22,477 50.5 1.4 22,057 49.6 1.7
High income 18,008 67.3 1.4 19,118 63.5 1.8
Residence locationd Metropolitan-large 36,546 47.2 1.3 37,872 46.7 1.5
Metropolitan-small 19,000 52.8 1.6 16,085 51.5 2.2
Micropolitan 6,497 51.3 2.5 6,499 45.7 3.3
Noncore-adjacent 2,276 44.6 3.8 2,924 43.6 6.2
Noncore-not adjacent 1,026 44.3 5.2 1,265 48.2 7.1
Perceived health status Excellent, very good or good 63,699 49.4 0.9 62,930 47.9 1.1
Fair or poor 1,646 37.7 3.7 1,715 39.0 4.1
CSHCNe Yes 13,563 59.2 1.5 10,485 51.7 2.8
No 51,143 47.3 0.9 48,139 49.2 1.2

a Prior to 2002, racial categories were not directly comparable to those used for 2002 data. Thus, race data for 2000 are not shown.

b Beginning in 2002, individuals could report multiple races. For 2002 and later years, Non-Hispanic White and Black categories exclude multiple race individuals and are not directly comparable to data from previous years.

c "Negative or poor" refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; "near poor/low income", over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; "middle income", 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and "high income", 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

d See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measures Specifications Appendix for more information.

e CSHCN: children with special health care needs.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

- -  Data not shown. See footnote a.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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