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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.63e
Infant mortality per 1,000 live births, by State, 1998 and 2002
  2002 1998
State Number Rate Standard error Number Rate Standard error
United States 27,970 7.0 0.0 28,325 7.2 0.0
Alabama 538 9.1 0.4 627 10.1 0.4
Alaska 56 5.6 0.8 59 5.9 0.8
Arizona 564 6.4 0.3 588 7.5 0.3
Arkansas 313 8.4 0.5 329 8.9 0.5
California 2,873 5.4 0.1 2,994 5.7 0.1
Colorado 409 6.0 0.3 402 6.7 0.3
Connecticut 273 6.5 0.4 306 7.0 0.4
Delaware 95 8.6 0.9 100 9.5 1.0
District of Columbia 85 11.0 1.2 96 12.5 1.2
Florida 1,547 7.5 0.2 1,423 7.3 0.2
Georgia 1,195 9.0 0.3 1,027 8.4 0.3
Hawaii 130 7.4 0.7 121 6.9 0.6
Idaho 127 6.1 0.5 139 7.2 0.6
Illinois 1,334 7.4 0.2 1,538 8.4 0.2
Indiana 660 7.8 0.3 643 7.6 0.3
Iowa 200 5.3 0.4 242 6.5 0.4
Kansas 282 7.2 0.4 271 7.1 0.4
Kentucky 389 7.2 0.4 410 7.5 0.4
Louisiana 668 10.0 0.4 609 9.1 0.4
Maine 58 4.3 0.6 90 6.6 0.7
Maryland 555 7.6 0.3 616 8.6 0.3
Massachusetts 391 4.8 0.2 423 5.2 0.3
Michigan 1,056 8.1 0.3 1,097 8.2 0.2
Minnesota 363 5.3 0.3 385 5.9 0.3
Mississippi 423 10.0 0.5 434 10.1 0.5
Missouri 638 8.5 0.3 580 7.7 0.3
Montana 83 7.5 0.8 83 7.7 0.8
Nebraska 178 7.0 0.5 172 7.3 0.6
Nevada 198 6.1 0.4 205 7.1 0.5
New Hampshire 72 5.0 0.6 63 4.4 0.6
New Jersey 656 5.7 0.2 731 6.4 0.2
New Mexico 170 6.1 0.5 197 7.2 0.5
New York 1,508 6.0 0.2 1,612 6.2 0.2
North Carolina 955 8.1 0.3 1,036 9.3 0.3
North Dakota 49 6.3 0.9 70 8.8 1.1
Ohio 1,181 7.9 0.2 1,212 7.9 0.2
Oklahoma 415 8.2 0.4 419 8.5 0.4
Oregon 258 5.7 0.4 244 5.4 0.3
Pennsylvania 1,088 7.6 0.2 1,041 7.1 0.2
Rhode Island 91 7.1 0.7 91 7.2 0.8
South Carolina 508 9.3 0.4 514 9.5 0.4
South Dakota 72 6.7 0.8 95 9.2 0.9
Tennessee 721 9.3 0.3 633 8.2 0.3
Texas 2,353 6.3 0.1 2,179 6.4 0.1
Utah 273 5.6 0.3 257 5.7 0.4
Vermont 28 4.4 0.8 45 6.8 1.0
Virginia 737 7.4 0.3 719 7.6 0.3
Washington 455 5.8 0.3 456 5.7 0.3
West Virginia 185 8.9 0.7 166 8.0 0.6
Wisconsin 468 6.8 0.3 489 7.2 0.3
Wyoming 44 6.7 1.0 46 7.4 1.1

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Linked Birth and Infant Death Data.

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