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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.61a
Percent of pregnant women receiving prenatal care in the first trimester, United States, 1998 and 2002
    2002 1998
Population group Number Percenta Standard error Number Percenta Standard error
Total   3,301,186 83.7 0.0 3,174,194 82.8 0.0
Mother's age 0-14 3,396 48.2 0.6 4,329 47.8 0.5
15-19 290,790 70.0 0.1 321,931 68.5 0.1
20-24 786,656 78.6 0.0 727,391 77.6 0.0
25-29 898,647 86.3 0.0 911,612 86.4 0.0
30-34 839,344 89.8 0.0 774,029 89.4 0.0
35 and over 482,353 88.7 0.0 434,902 88.0 0.0
Mother's race American Indian or Alaska Native 28,833 69.8 0.2 26,751 68.8 0.2
Asian or Pacific Islander 174,153 84.8 0.1 137,662 83.1 0.1
Asian 112,000 86.9 0.1 88,610 85.8 0.1
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6,675 76.1 0.5 5,913 75.3 0.5
Black 434,083 75.2 0.1 428,102 73.3 0.1
White 2,664,117 85.4 0.0 2,581,679 84.8 0.0
Mother's ethnicity Hispanic, all races 657,240 76.7 0.0 526,798 74.3 0.1
Non-Hispanic, all races 2,625,173 85.7 0.0 2,611,084 84.8 0.0
Non-Hispanic, Black 423,012 75.2 0.1 416,966 73.3 0.1
Non-Hispanic, White 2,006,365 88.6 0.0 2,035,753 87.9 0.0
Mother's education (age 20 and over) Less than high school 417,934 71.6 0.1 366,739 69.8 0.1
High school graduate 882,100 82.7 0.0 889,591 82.5 0.0
At least some college 1,677,021 91.6 0.0 1,561,084 91.4 0.0

a Includes only those with liveborn infants.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics system - Natality.

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