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International Comparison of 4th- and 8th-Grade Performance in Mathematics
Table 11-2.  Average mathematics scores of 4th-grade students in 1995 and 2003 and of 8th-grade students in 1995, 1999, and 2003 and change in score since 1995 in grade 4 and since 1995 and 1999 in grade 8, by country

  Grade 4
  Grade 8
Country 1995 2003 1995–2003
  1995 1999 2003 1995–2003

Australia2,3,4 495* 499* 4   509* 505 -4
Belgium-Flemish   550* 558* 537* -13** -21**
Bulgaria2   527* 511 476* -51** -34**
Chile   392* 387* -6
Chinese Taipei   585* 585* #
Cyprus 475* 510* 35**   468* 476* 459* -8** -17**
England3 484* 531* 47**  
Hong Kong SAR3,5 557* 575* 18**   569* 582* 586* 17** 4
Hungary2 521 529* 7   527* 532* 529* 3 -2
Indonesia6   403* 411* 8
Iran, Islamic Republic of 387* 389* 2   418* 422* 411* -7 -11**
Israel7   466* 496 29**
Italy7   479* 484* 4
Japan 567* 565* -3   581* 579* 570* -11** -9**
Jordan   428* 424* -3
Korea, Republic of   581* 587* 589* 8** 2
Latvia-LSS2,8 499* 533* 34**   488 505 505 17** #
Lithuania6   472* 482* 502 30** 20**
Macedonia, Republic of2   447* 435* -12**
Malaysia   519* 508 -11
Moldova, Republic of   469* 460* -9
Netherlands2,3 549* 540* -9**   529* 540* 536* 7 -4
New Zealand9 469* 496* 26**   501 491 494 -7 3
Norway 476* 451* -25**   498 461* -37**
Philippines   345* 378* 33**
Romania2   474* 472* 475* 2 3
Russian Federation   524* 526* 508 -16** -18**
Scotland2,3 493* 490* -3   493 498 4
Singapore 590* 594* 4   609* 604* 605* -3 1
Slovak Republic   534* 534* 508 -26** -26**
Slovenia2,4 462* 479* 17**   494 493* -2
South Africa10   275* 264* -11
Sweden   540* 499 -41**
Tunisia   448* 410* -38**
United States2,3 518 518 #   492 502 504 12** 3

— Not available.

† Not applicable.

# Rounds to zero.

* Significantly different from the United States (p&lt;.05).

** Average in 2003 is significantly different from the average in 1995 or 1999, respectively (p&lt;.05).

1 Difference is calculated by subtracting 1995 or 1999 estimate from 2003 estimate using unrounded numbers.

2 Country did not meet international sampling or other guidelines in 1995, 1999, or 2003.

3 Met international guidelines for participation rates in 2003 only after replacement schools were included. England at grade 8 did not meet international guidelines for participation rates even after replacement schools were included.

4 Because of national-level changes in the starting age/date for school, 1999 data for Australia and Slovenia cannot be compared with 2003 data.

5 Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China.

6 National desired population does not cover all of the international desired population.

7 Because of changes in the population tested, 1995 data for Israel and Italy are not shown.

8 Designated LSS (Latvian-speaking schools) because only Latvian-speaking schools were included in 1995. For this analysis, only Latvian-speaking schools are included in the 2003 average.

9 In 1995, Maori-speaking students did not participate. Estimates in this table are computed for students taught in English only, which represents between 98 and 99 percent of the student population in both years.

10 Because within classroom sampling was not accounted for, 1995 data are not shown for South Africa.

NOTE: Countries were required to sample students in the upper of the two grades that contained the larger number of 9- and 13-year-olds. In the United States and most countries, this corresponds to grades 4 and 8. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. See supplemental note 5 for more information on this study.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2004). Highlights From the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 (NCES 2005–005), tables 4, 5, C3, and C4. Data from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), TIMSS 1995, 1999, and 2003 assessments.

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