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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.2b
Female breast cancer incidence rate per 100,000 for women age 40 and over diagnosed at advanced stage (regional and distant SEER summary stage), by State, 2002 and 2004
State 2004 2002
Ratea Standard error Ratea Standard error
Alabama 98.3 2.9 89.1 2.8
Alaska 75.6 8.3 95.3 10.0
Arizona 77.0 2.5 85.2 2.7
Arkansas 95.5 3.8 92.6 3.8
California 92.0 1.1 101.3 1.2
Colorado 89.2 3.0 87.2 3.1
Delaware 92.1 6.7 89.1 6.8
District of Columbia 99.4 8.8 101.2 8.8
Florida 78.2 1.3 83.3 1.4
Georgia 93.5 2.2 93.8 2.3
Idaho 87.0 5.4 99.1 5.9
Illinois 95.5 1.8 99.9 1.9
Indiana 76.8 2.3 93.2 2.6
Kansas 89.7 3.7 94.1 3.9
Kentucky 89.7 3.0 90.1 3.0
Louisiana 100.4 3.1 101.6 3.1
Maine 87.2 4.9 83.7 4.9
Massachusetts 94.1 2.4 89.1 2.4
Michigan 80.4 1.8 94.0 2.0
Minnesota DNA DNA 100.5 3.0
Mississippi 96.2 3.8 DSU DSU
Missouri 95.6 2.6 100.4 2.7
Montana 84.0 6.0 79.4 5.9
Nebraska 92.6 4.8 98.2 4.9
Nevada 74.8 3.9 94.0 4.5
New Hampshire 91.7 5.4 96.0 5.6
New Jersey 100.0 2.2 106.0 2.2
New York 88.8 1.4 85.5 1.4
North Carolina 87.4 2.1 91.1 2.2
North Dakota 82.6 7.2 91.5 7.8
Ohio 92.7 1.8 88.0 1.8
Oklahoma 99.3 3.4 97.5 3.4
Oregon 94.1 3.3 99.0 3.4
Pennsylvania 96.8 1.7 92.7 1.7
Rhode Island 96.8 6.0 84.9 5.7
South Carolina 96.0 3.1 85.7 3.0
South Dakota 83.6 6.7 97.3 7.4
Tennessee 88.8 2.5 DSU DSU
Texas 88.5 1.4 88.0 1.4
Vermont 89.9 7.5 92.4 7.7
Virginia 88.4 2.2 DSU DSU
Washington 99.3 2.7 111.9 2.9
West Virginia 95.4 4.4 77.2 4.0
Wisconsin DSU DSU 93.4 2.7
Wyoming 90.2 8.6 DSU DSU

a Estimates are per 100,000 women age 40 and over, and are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard million population by 5-year age groups. Due to changes in collection of staging data, comparisons between 2004 and previous year's data should be interpreted with caution.

DNA - Data have not been analyzed.

DSU - Registry did not meet the data quality criteria for all invasive cancers combined. Data quality criteria include: case ascertainment is 90% or more complete; no more than 5% of cases are ascertained solely on the basis of a death certificate; no more than 3% of cases are missing information on sex; no more than 3% of cases are missing information on age; no more than 5% are missing information on race; at least 97% of the registry's records passed a set of core single-field, interfield, and interrecord computerized edits.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Program of Cancer Registries. Five States (Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, and Utah) do not participate in this program.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care