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Number of American Indian/Alaska Natives, by race subcategory: 2000 -- Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
Indicator 1.1: Population Composition and Growth

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Table 1.1b. Number of American Indian/Alaska Natives, by race subcategory: 2000
Race subcategory and tribal affiliation Total American Indian/Alaska Native alone American Indian/Alaska
Native in combination with one or more other races
   Total 4,119,301 2,475,956 1,643,345
American Indian (with tribal affiliation)1 2,939,784 1,865,118 1,074,666
Alaska Native (with tribal affiliation)2 121,384 97,876 23,508
American Indian and Alaska Native (both affiliations)3 1,676 1,002 674
American Indian or Alaska Native (no affiliation specified)4 1,056,457 511,960 544,497
1 Refers to respondents who specified a tribe or tribes that are American Indian.
2 Refers to respondents who specified a tribe/village or tribes/villages that are Alaska Native.
3 Refers to respondents who specified multiple tribes/villages with at least one that is American Indian and one that is Alaska Native.
4 Refers to respondents who did not specify a tribal/village affiliation.
NOTE: "Alone" refers to respondents who selected American Indian/Alaska Native and not any other race category. "In combination with one or more other races" refers to respondents who selected American Indian/Alaska Native and one or more other race categories. Figures include American Indian/Alaska Natives of Hispanic origin.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, American Factfinder, Decennial Census, 2000.

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