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School Characteristics and Climate
Table 35-1.  Number of regular public school teachers and student support staff, average number of students per staff, and percent of schools with such staff, by school level and type of school staff: School year 2003–04

  Number of staff
  Percent of schools
Type of school staff
Total Full-time Part-time Per school1 Average number
of students
per staff
in schools
with such staff2
With such
With full-
time staff

All teachers 1,972,000 1,803,000 169,700 34.1 14 100 100
All student support staff 857,000 533,000 324,700 14.8 33 99 93
  Licensed or certified professionals 301,900 139,400 162,500 5.2 92 98 76
    School counselors 60,800 42,000 18,800 1.1 372 78 54
    Nurses 54,400 25,800 28,600 0.9 449 84 41
    Social workers 27,200 9,200 18,000 0.5 450 41 14
    Psychologists 42,700 10,600 32,000 0.7 483 69 17
    Speech therapists 68,100 31,400 36,800 1.2 392 93 44
    Other professionals 48,700 20,400 28,300 0.8 237 39 17
  Teacher aides 555,400 393,200 162,200 9.6 50 98 87
    Instructional aides 458,700 329,700 128,900 7.9 63 94 82
      Special education 207,600 160,500 47,000 3.6 113 80 67
      Regular Title I 76,000 51,200 24,900 1.3 148 42 31
      ESL/bilingual teacher 37,600 20,700 16,900 0.7 293 35 18
      Library 27,800 18,000 9,800 0.5 449 43 29
      Other 109,700 79,300 30,400 1.9 120 48 36
    Noninstructional aides 96,700 63,500 33,300 1.7 289 48 33
      Special education 38,800 31,500 7,300 0.7 722 21 17
      Library 13,900 8,100 5,800 0.2 440 20 11
      Other 44,100 23,900 20,100 0.8 178 25 15
All teachers 860,000 816,000 44,400 57.9 16 100 100
All student support staff 217,000 160,000 56,400 14.6 62 100 97
  Licensed or certified professionals 96,700 64,800 31,900 6.5 139 99 94
    School counselors 40,600 38,100 2,500 2.7 321 96 91
    Nurses 14,400 8,700 5,700 1.0 809 83 50
    Social workers 7,200 4,000 3,200 0.5 807 38 20
    Psychologists 11,000 4,300 6,800 0.7 902 64 25
    Speech therapists 12,500 3,500 9,000 0.8 873 75 21
    Other professionals 10,900 6,200 4,700 0.7 489 35 20
  Teacher aides 120,000 95,600 24,500 8.1 110 96 88
    Instructional aides 93,600 75,300 18,300 6.3 143 90 81
      Special education 64,400 54,200 10,200 4.3 178 81 72
      Regular Title I 6,700 5,100 1,500 0.4 290 15 12
      ESL/bilingual teacher 7,400 4,200 3,300 0.5 767 31 17
      Library 7,500 5,900 1,500 0.5 790 40 33
      Other 7,600 6,000 1,700 0.5 496 23 18
    Noninstructional aides 26,400 20,200 6,200 1.8 509 53 44
      Special education 12,200 10,200 2,000 0.8 1,102 27 22
      Library 5,500 4,100 1,400 0.4 780 27 21
      Other 8,700 5,900 2,800 0.6 392 22 16

1 Does not distinguish between full- and part-time status of staff.

2 The average number of students per staff is based on student enrollment in schools with such staff and the total number of full- and part-time staff. This measure differs from pupil/teacher ratios that are based on the total number of full-time-equivalent teachers. Student enrollment data used to calculate this ratio are for schools with such staff.

3 This measure is intended to reveal how many schools have access to staff; it does not distinguish between the full- and part-time status of such staff.

NOTE: Regular public schools do not include alternative, special education, special program emphasis, or vocational/technical schools. Data for combined elementary and secondary schools and for ungraded schools are excluded. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), “Public School Data File,” 2003–04.

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