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Partner Profile

Location New York, NY
Organization Type Banking & Fin. Srvcs.
Percentage Green Power 5%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Citigroup is the world's largest financial services company, with operations in 100 countries, and 300,000 employees, occupying some 90 million square feet of real estate. One of the most prominent examples of Citigroup's commitment to environmental protection is its involvement with the Equator Principles. In 2003, it was one of four international banks behind the creation of the Principles, now the industry standard to ensure that large project finance deals -- such as dams, power plants, and pipelines -- do not damage the environment. But the Principles are only part of the story. The Corporate Investment Bank has an expanded Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy, which covers other types of corporate loans where we know the use of proceeds. Citigroup Alternative Investments has a Sustainable Development Investment Program that invests in renewable energy and clean technology. Citigroup Realty Services has committed to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from Citigroup's buildings globally 10% by 2011. Since 2003, Citigroup has been monitoring and reporting its greenhouse gas emissions and working toward reducing those emissions at its more than 13,000 facilities worldwide. In 2004, Citigroup made its first purchase of energy certified as "green" by the U.S. states of New York and New Jersey. Citigroup also has undertaken a portfolio review of its real estate to learn how its 100 largest buildings stack up against LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification requirements. Based on those findings, the company will then review its entire worldwide real estate portfolio and create a "green" roadmap to help it improve the efficiency of its buildings. Additionally, Citigroup is working with the U.S. Green Building Council, acting as a test case in the development of an efficient, streamlined process that will enable companies to earn LEED ratings and certifications across an entire real estate portfolio, rather than applying for a LEED certification one building at a time. And, last year Citigroup joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders Program. At Citigroup, our actions regarding the environment and indeed, all our actions are guided by our company's core values--our Shared Responsibilities to our clients, each other, and to our franchise. Therefore, we have established a comprehensive set of practices at Citigroup around sustainable business. Our employees, our clients, our shareholders, and our partners across the communities where we operate can with confidence expect from us continued commitment to leading in this area. Today more than 40 financial institutions around the world have adopted the Equator Principles. This benefits not only Citigroup but also all of us who are committed to ensuring economic development does not adversely impact our environment. Our clients benefit from our expertise in evaluating risk and our employees benefit because our leadership in sustainability engenders a pride that is unequaled in our experience as a franchise.

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