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Alaska Region


Alaska Park Science: Scientific Studies in Denali

Cover Section

Bridging Science and Education for the Future

Ecological Overview of Denali National Park and Preserve

Air Quality Monitoring: An Intercontinental Connection

Ecological Goldmine: The Denali Landcover Map and Denali Soil Inventory with Ecological Site Classification

Soundscapes of Denali National Park and Preserve

Earthquake and Seismic Monitoring in Denali National Park

Rutting Behavior in Moose at Denali National Park

Tracking the Movements of Denali's Wolves

Interrelationships of Denli's Large Mammal Community

Bear Management in Denali National Park and Preserve

Long-Term Golden Eagle Studies in Denali National Park and Preserve

Integrated Monitoring of Physical Environment, Plant, and Bird Communities in Denali

Hardy as Chickadees: Denali's Winter Citizen Scientists

Medical Research Climbs Denali

Historic and Contemporary Ethnographic Landscapes of Denali National Park and Preserve

Scientific Legacy of Denali

Sled Dog Kennels of Denali

For more information about this journal please contact Project Lead Robert Winfree, Regional Science Advisor, at: 907-644-3516 or the Communications Office, Alaska Region 2525 Gambell St. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ph: 907-644-3512 email: or

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Author:Jane Ahern

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