Three Education Department Employees Honored with the Presidential Rank Award as Meritorious Executives
Education and Veterans Affairs Team Up to Promote "Lessons of Liberty"
Archived Information

November 2, 2001
Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-1576

President George W. Bush has honored three career U.S. Department of Education employees with the Presidential Rank Award as Meritorious Executives for their leadership, integrity and commitment to excellence in public service.

The three are among 345 federal career employees who were recognized at a recent White House ceremony hosted by President Bush. The Department of Education honorees are:

  • Robert H. Davidson, deputy chief information officer for information assurance in the Office of the Chief Information Officer;
  • William Modzeleski, director of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education; and
  • Philip H. Rosenfelt, assistant general counsel for elementary, secondary, adult, and vocational education in the Office of the General Counsel.

"I am delighted that Bob, Bill and Phil have been recognized with this prestigious award," said Secretary of Education Rod Paige. "They are devoted public servants who have committed themselves to offering every child a quality education and a safe environment for learning."

Davidson was appointed in July as the department's first deputy chief information officer for information assurance responsible for, among other things, protecting the department's computer systems. Since April, he has served on Secretary Paige's Management Improvement Team, examining ways to improve department performance and foster a department-wide "culture of accountability." He also directed department's Year 2000 conversion project and has been at the Education Department for more than 25 years, following service in the Navy.

Modzeleski has worked in the government for 30 years, including three years in the Army with service in Vietnam, 15 years at the Justice Department and 12 at the Education Department. As director of the $644 million Safe and Drug Free Schools Program, Modzeleski helps provide funds and assistance to governors, state education agencies, and local school districts aimed at promoting schools that are safe, disciplined and drug-free.

tion Department and its predecessor, the U.S. Office of Education, for 30 years. Before that, he spent two years in the government's Vo

Rosenfelt has served the Educalunteers in Service to America (VISTA) program, working in the low-income areas of New York City. At the Education Department, he supervises legal services related to the development and implementation of federal programs that focus on elementary, secondary, vocational and adult education.

The Presidential Rank Award is given annually to employees who are "strong leaders who achieve results and consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry and a relentless commitment to excellence in public service," according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.



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