Letter from Secretary Spellings Regarding Teacher Appreciation Week
Archived Information

May 5, 2005
Contact: (202) 401-1576

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings issued the following letter to America's teachers.

To Our Nation's Teachers In Recognition of Teacher Appreciation Week
May 1-7, 2005

I am pleased to join our nation in recognizing you for your remarkable dedication to our students and your tireless efforts in support of education. It is fitting that we take time each year during Teacher Appreciation Week to thank our teachers -- as the work you do has a tremendous and very direct effect on the lives of young people. As President Bush has said, "There's nothing more noble than to teach."

During my first few months as U.S. Secretary of Education, I have traveled throughout our great country and listened to teachers share stories about the status of education in their communities. I have also seen how the No Child Left Behind Act is making a positive difference for so many students, particularly those from underprivileged circumstances. Student achievement is on the rise and the learning gap is starting to narrow. It is because of committed and effective teachers that we will make No Child Left Behind work for all children.

Over the past 20 years, I have been privileged to be involved in education at many different levels, but it is as a mother of school-aged children that I am most aware of the extra effort our teachers make to help all children grow and learn. You are helping to build a stronger nation, a better world, and a brighter future.

Please accept my deep appreciation and gratitude for your work on behalf of our nation's children.

Margaret Spellings



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Last Modified: 05/05/2005