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J.Phil Campbell Sr. Natural Resource Conservation Center

1420 Experiment Station Road

Watkinsville, Georgia 30677

Phone: 706-769-5631

Fax: 706-769-8962



The mission of the J. Phil Campbell Sr., Natural Resource Conservation Center is to develop and transfer environmentally sustainable and profitable agricultural systems to land owners and managers in order to protect the natural resource base, build accord with non-agricultural sectors, and support healthy rural economies.

3rd Grade Ag Day Photos

2008 CTS-SCASC Proceedings

Planting No-till Cotton (with Video)

JPC Research Accomplishments and Future Challenges 

JPC Research Update 

How to find us. (click on link and enter starting point)


Nearby Lodging

Life in the Oconee County Area

(Statistics & Facts, Local News, Public Library, Government, Commerce, Schools, Colleges & Universities)

The J. Phil Campbell, Senior, Natural Resource Conservation Center (JPCSNRCC) is part of the Agricultural Research Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, located in the South Atlantic Area.

Dr. Wayne Reeves, Research Leader  
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
J. Phil Campbell, Senior, Natural Resource Conservation Center
1420 Experiment Station Road
Watkinsville, Georgia 30677
(706) 769-5631 X203
(706) 769-8962 (fax)

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Last Modified: 01/26/2009
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