Climate data - USDA-ARS

The historical climate data for the United States and Worldwide sites available from this web page were compiled by Dr. Arlin Nicks of the USDA-ARS for use in the development of climate generators. The database includes daily precipitation and daily min-max air temperature for National Weather Service stations from 1949-1996 and from worldwide stations compiled by Global Data Systems. These data are a valuable resource and are dedicated in honor of Dr. Nicks, who passed away in July 1997, for his foresight and dedication to the development and use of climate generators in water resources.

Stations in the United States (source: NWS)

List of U.S. Stations

Daily values format (.zip)

Worldwide Stations (source: GDS)

GDS Daily values format (.zip)

List of World Stations

Wind data files format (.dat)

Cligen Weather Generator

Corrected and Extended Cligen Parameter files (.par) for U.S. Stations

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Last updated: Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture