Research Objectives

  • Taxonomy, systematics and biology of fungal pathogens of invertebrates
  • Cooperation in research on fungal pathogens of invertebrates
  • Maintain the worlds largest, most diverse culture collection of fungi pathogenic to insects and other arthropods

Richard A. Humber, Insect Mycologist
Karen S. Hansen, Biological Technician

Micheal M. Wheeler, Biological Technician

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General information:


USDA-ARS Collection of Entompathogenic Fungal Cultures (ARSEF)

The ARSEF culture collection is the world's largest and most diverse collection of cultures for fungal pathogens of insects, mites, spiders, nematodes, and other invertebrates. This collection is an internationally recognized research resource providing clients around the world with cultures, identifications, and information on entomopathogenic fungi.
The collection currently comprises nearly 6000 isolates from more than 400 fungal taxa and ca. 930 diverse hosts, with isolates coming from every continent of the globe. ARSEF accessions of many taxa represent the only cultures of these fungi available anywhere. Such commonly encountered entomopathogens such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae are each represented by nearly 1000 accessions from extremely varied hosts and locations. No other culture collection offers either such diversity or depth of holdings as does the ARSEF collection.
The collection is maintained principally by immersion in liquid nitrogen. A long-term program has been instituted, however, to expand overall storage capacity by freeze-drying (lyophilizing) all those fungi ­p; primarily conidial fungi ­p; that can tolerate such treatment. Cryogenic storage remains the storage method of choice for many fungi, and may be the only technique for storing the most delicate or fastidious fungal entomopathogens.

Information on ARSEF cultures:

Catalogs for the ARSEF Culture Collection (PDF format)

Printed catalog - An extensively indexed, printed catalog of ARSEF accessions was issued in 1992 and is available free of charge on request to the curator. Updates and special catalogs compiled according to any desired search criteria can be compiled on request. We have discontinued the preparation of indexed supplements to the 1992 printed catalog; contact the Curator if you wish to receive such a file.

On-line accession information - Accession data for some of the ARSEF collection are available from the Microbial Germplasm Database , and may eventually become available from a new microbial germplasm database at the USDA-ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network .


A changeable and changing gallery of aides for your identification of fungal pathogens of invertebrates

This will include photos, keys, reprints and other helpful items. Feel free to submit suggestions for what you would like to see here!

Look here for a changing variety of materials to assist you in the process of identifying fungal pathogens affecting invertebrates.

Look here for a changing variety of materials to assist you in the process of identifying fungal pathogens affecting invertebrates.