Statement from Secretary Spellings on State of the Union
Archived Information

February 1, 2006
Contacts: Chad Colby
(202) 401-4401

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American Competitiveness Initiative
State of the Union Address

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today issued the following statement on President Bush's State of the Union speech delivered last night:

"In his State of the Union Address last night, President Bush was clear, convincing and optimistic about achieving America's dreams for the future. He recognized that we live in a changed and competitive world, but that there's no challenge Americans cannot meet. The President stressed the importance of education to maintaining our global leadership, and proposed serious and innovative reforms that will prepare our children to become leaders. As the President made clear, 'If we ensure that America's children succeed in life, they will ensure that America succeeds in the world.'"



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Last Modified: 02/02/2006