Secretary Spellings Delivered Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony of GlenOak High School and Plain Community Campus in Plain Township, Ohio
Archived Information

September 3, 2006
"Our schools shape our lives in so many different ways. Families buy their homes based on the quality of the local school system. Businesses place their headquarters according to workforce quality. By producing active, informed citizens, great schools provide the essential foundation for democracy—and they also create more jobs, higher incomes, and an improved quality of life for everyone around them."

"Especially on Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate America's fine tradition of productivity and innovation in the workforce... we must remember that education is the key to maintaining our legacy of achievement. As technology transforms the way we live, work, and play, we need every school to be flexible and agile enough to meet our communities' changing needs—as well as our students' changing needs. And that means tailoring instruction and using time in more innovative ways—so that every child gets the extra help they need... and the rigorous coursework they need and deserve."

Plain Township, Ohio — U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today delivered remarks at the dedication ceremony of GlenOak High School and Plain Community Campus in Plain Township. Following are her prepared remarks:

Thank you, Congressman Regula, and thank you for being a real hero for America's schoolchildren. You've been a consumer of the school system from every angle—as a teacher, elementary school principal, and Ohio school board member... Not to mention the fact that your wife, Mary, and your daughter, Martha are both former teachers who now work together at the National First Ladies' Library in Canton. I look forward to meeting them when I visit the library this afternoon, and I'd also like to say hello to your son, Stark County Commissioner Richard Regula, who is here in the audience today. Clearly, a love for learning and for public service runs in your family!

Congressman, throughout your years in office, you've provided our nation's 50 million students with more innovative schools, more qualified teachers, more targeted resources, and a more rigorous curriculum. You created our nation's first ever Teacher Incentive Fund to encourage more experienced teachers to go to high-poverty schools, and to reward them for results. And as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, you've helped increase federal K-12 spending by almost 40 percent since 2001, and you've provided more than 19 billion dollars for Ohio schools alone.

Families across our country are so lucky to have you on their side, and I have to say I feel like I am too... especially since every time we meet you tell me that I'm your favorite cabinet official. Of course, I'm sure you say that to all the girls...

It's great to be here in Ohio, and I'm glad to see so many people here to celebrate the opening of GlenOak High School and Plain Community Campus. I'd like to thank all of the families, educators, administrators, VFW members, school board members, state legislators, and county commissioners for joining us today. You represent the best of the American spirit, and all of you deserve a lot of credit for making this school a reality.

I bet you're looking forward to your brand new public library, too, and your new coffee shop, your beautiful new performing arts center, and your new running trail through the campus... I wish I had a place like this in my neighborhood!

With this new facility, you've literally put your school system at the heart of your community—which is right where it belongs.

Our schools shape our lives in so many different ways. Families buy their homes based on the quality of the local school system. Businesses place their headquarters according to workforce quality. By producing active, informed citizens, great schools provide the essential foundation for democracy—and they also create more jobs, higher incomes, and an improved quality of life for everyone around them.

But now that American technology is connecting individuals and businesses around the world, the same job can and is being done from Bangalore as easily as Boston. In the last couple of years, companies in India have started outsourcing to China!

Especially on Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate America's fine tradition of productivity and innovation in the workforce... we must remember that education is the key to maintaining our legacy of achievement. As technology transforms the way we live, work, and play, we need every school to be flexible and agile enough to meet our communities' changing needs—as well as our students' changing needs. And that means tailoring instruction and using time in more innovative ways—so that every child gets the extra help they need... and the rigorous coursework they need and deserve.

For example, at GlenOak, if you're interested in the life sciences, you can study ecology and chemistry... and along the way, you can get on-the-job training in surveying, mapping, and cutting-edge GIS technology. If you're interested in business, you can study accounting and finance, then manage the campus coffee shop, or start a student credit union. If health care appeals to you, you can study forensics, biogenetics, and anatomy—and try your hand at nursing or sports medicine at local medical facilities.

In today's world, it's more important than ever to make sure every student has access to real-life experience like this—especially since we know that it can make or break an educational career. A recent Gates Foundation study showed the lack of relevant coursework is one of the top reasons why students drop out of high school.

We already have so much customization in our lives. Our computers are built to order... our eyeglasses are ready in an hour... and every time I go online to buy a book, a window pops up that tells me if I like this one, then here are 5 more I should try.

If you're working on your golf swing or your tennis game, your instruction is tailored to you. Why shouldn't we do the same in education?

After all, every child is different, and every child has different needs... but our country's success depends on equipping all our children with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

Fortunately, thanks to the landmark education law, known as No Child Left Behind—and thanks to resources Congressman Regula helped secure—we're now on our way to having every single child learning on grade level by 2014. As a parent, I don't think that's too much to ask. And by setting that goal, No Child Left Behind began a critical transformation in our schools.

But to compete in the 21st century, we must do even more. We must challenge our students and create a system that demands they step up to the plate. And to do so, we must challenge ourselves.

That's why Congressman Regula and I are working to advance rigorous college-level coursework, to support educators with research-proven strategies, and to provide incentives for our most-qualified teachers to work in our most needy schools. We know the solution: raised expectations... higher standards... and rigorous coursework for every student, not just a few. Essentially, we want to make sure students around the country have the outstanding opportunities you're offering right here at GlenOak High School.

And students, when you graduate with the world at your feet, I hope you'll remember the tremendous support you were given... and pay it forward—maybe even as teachers. Our country needs your energy and your ambition, so believe in yourself. Never give up. And may today be the beginning of a new journey and a great adventure.

Thank you.


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Last Modified: 09/12/2006