U.S. Education Secretary Paige Comments on 2003 ACT Test Results
Archived Information

August 20, 2003
Contact: Stephanie Babyak or Jane Glickman, (202) 401-1576

U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige issued the following statement on the 2003 ACT test results:

"It is encouraging to see a greater percentage of young people taking the ACT and planning to go to college in pursuit of solid, productive careers with promising futures. We cannot underestimate the importance of aiming high and striving to better oneself through education.

"At the same time, it is discouraging that the ACT test scores remain stagnant and that far too many young people are entering college without the skills to succeed in freshman-level courses, particularly in the vital areas of math and science. The achievement gap evident on this test is also disheartening, with African American students and -- to a lesser but still troubling degree -- Hispanic students scoring significantly lower than their white peers, putting them at a disadvantage once they enter college or the workforce. Education is a civil right -- this educational gap should be a wake-up call to the nation.

"Not surprisingly, students who took the higher level courses earned higher ACT scores, and far too few high school students are taking the challenging 'core' subjects that prepare them for college-level work.

"We must do a better job of providing all students with the skills and knowledge needed to flourish in higher education and the work world. With the historic, bipartisan No Child Left Behind law, our mission is clear: high standards for all students at the K-12 level so that they have the tools they need to succeed in later life. As we all work together toward this goal, I am confident that more young people will be better prepared to succeed in college and the workplace."



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