Subject: File No. 4-547, Request for Interpretive Guidance on Climate Risk Disclosure.

May 6, 2008

Dear Ms. Morris:

Global warming and other types of climate change will bring increasingly violent weather, droughts, and rising seas, all of which will deeply affect our lives and economy. Corporations play a major role in creating climate change and will also be deeply affected by its devastating impacts. As the consequences of climate change increase, more and more companies will face regulations, lawsuits, and losses. Right now, most companies are hiding their current and future risks regarding climate change from their investors and from the public. Corporate secrecy on climate change benefits no one. Investors, consumers, the economy, and the corporations themselves can only be harmed by the lack of disclosure.

I believe it is imperative that U.S. corporations disclose their climate change risks to the public, especially to investors who prefer to make only "green" investments. I am a member of CALPERS and agree with them that we have a right to know the risks inherent in our investments.

Yours sincerely,

James Lobdell