From: Mark Bryant
Sent: May 17, 2006
Subject: File No. 4-519

This email is to voice my support for the proposed rule submitted by Pick Sheets LLC. In particular, unscrupulous email spammers have gotten very creative and ingenious in the way their communications are crafted to purposely circumvent email filters. The issuer of these communications should not send these messages unless specifically requested by the addressee of the message and if these messages are inadvertently sent an easy way for the addressee to have their name removed from the email senders distribution list is required.

Please take my comments under advisement when considering the request for rulemaking to expose and prevent unlawful and deceptive activities by securities promoters and their sponsors.

Mark Bryant

Network Computer Services
1504 North Weinbach Avenue
Evansville, IN 47711
(812) 473-2881