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Comment Period - Hudson River Resident Waterfowl Injury Study Plan

Date Posted: June 5, 2007

Updated: June 29, 2007. The Trustees solicited comments from interested parties on this draft study plan. Comments were due by June 25, 2007. The Trustees are currently reviewing comments that were received in response to the draft study plan in order to determine next steps.
Original Posting: June, 5, 2007. The Hudson River Natural Resource Trustees have released for public review and comment a draft study plan for an injury study of Hudson River resident waterfowl. This draft study plan was prepared as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) for the Hudson River being carried out jointly by New York State (NYS), the United States Department of the Interior (DOI), and the United States Department of Commerce (DOC). The public and the party or parties responsible for the contamination are requested to review the Draft Study Plan and provide feedback on the proposed approach.

Comments should be received by June 25, 2007.

Send Written Comments To:
Steven Jay Sanford
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-4756

Send E-mail Comments To:

Kathryn Jahn (607)753-9334

Please visit the following web site for a copy of the draft Study Plan: http://www.fws.gov/contaminants/restorationplans/HudsonRiver/HudsonRiver.cfm. Other documents for the Hudson River NRDA are also available at that web site.

Last Updated: See Date Posted, Above