United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service

Cotton Production Model

A new process-based cotton model, CPM, has been developed to simulate the growth and development of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) throughout the growing season with minimal data input. CPM predicts final cotton yield for any combination of soil, weather, cultivar and sequence of management actions.

Snowmelt Runoff Model for Windows (WinSRM)

Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
The Snowmelt-Runoff Model (WinSRM) is designed to simulate and forecast daily streamflow in mountain basins where snowmelt is a major runoff factor. Most recently, it has also been applied to evaluate the effect of cl

Small Watershed Hydrology (WinTR-55)

Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
WinTR-55 is a single-event rainfall-runoff small watershed hydrologic model.  The model generates hydrographs from both urban and agricultural areas and at selected points along the stream system. Hydrographs are routed downstream through channels and/or reservoirs. Multiple sub-areas can be modeled within the watershed.

Sail ( Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves)

Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
The SAIL model (Verhoef and Bunnik, 1981) is a widely used model that describes light interaction in vegetation canopies. This model is based on very idealized canopy architectural features and transport formulas that assume the plant stand is horizontally homogeneous and laterally infinite.  WinSail is adapted from a DOS version of Sail developed by Dr. Moon Kim,  USDA, Agricultural Research Service.  WinSail

Nearest Neighbor Soil Water Retention Estimator

Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) technique is a non-parametric technique that can be used to make predictions of discrete (class-type) as well as continuous variables. The k-NN technique and many of its derivatives belong to the group of .lazy learning algorithms.. It is .lazy., as it passively stores the development data set until the time of application; all calculations are performed only when estimations need to be generated.

IFSM Model

University Park, Pennsylvania


University Park, Pennsylvania
The Dairy Greenhouse Gas Model (DairyGHG) is an easy to use software tool that estimates total greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of a dairy production system. A relatively simple process-based simulation is used to track net flows of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions through the production and use of feeds and the handling of manure. A carbon footprint is then calculated, which includes both primary and secondary emissions. Primary emissions occur during product

2008 Malus (Apple) Catalog

Plant Genetic Resources
2007-2008 National Germplasm Repository Apple (Malus) Catalog for the Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY.

2008 Grape (Vitis) Catalog

Plant Genetic Resources
2007-2008 National Germplasm Repository Grape (Vitis) Catalog for the Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY.

2008 Tart Cherry (Prunus) Catalog

Plant Genetic Resources
2007-2008 National Germplasm Repository Tart Cherry (Prunus) Catalog for the Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY.

Asian Longhorned Beetle Endnote Bibliography

Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit, Newark, DE
Listing of current and discontinued ALB literature in Endnote 8.0.2 format.

Software - PowerPoint Identification Quizzes

Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center, Beaver, WV
Software - PowerPoint Identification Quizzes

PMP 7.0

Microbial Food Safety Research Unit
Pathogen Modeling Program (PMP) The PMP is a package of models that can be used to predict the growth and inactivation of foodborne bacteria, primarily pathogens, under various environmental conditions. These predictions are specific to certain bacterial strains and environments (e.g., culture media or food) that were used to generate the models.

Virtual Grower

Application Technology Research Unit
Virtual Grower is a decision support tool for greenhouse growers. Users can build a greenhouse, predict heating costs and much more.Coming February 26th: Virtual Grower 2.0 featuring improved descriptions of heating efficiencies, more energy curtain materials, air infiltration, plant growth, and much more!</


Application Technology Research Unit
DepositScan is a scanning program that can quickly evaluate spray deposit distribution on water sensitive paper or Kromekote® cards.

Yield Editor Version 1.02 Beta

Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research
Yield Editor is a tool which allows the user to select, apply and analyze a variety of automated filters and editing techniques used to process and clean yield data.  The software imports either AgLeader advanced or Greenstar text file formats, and exports data in a delimited ASCII format.

Management Zone Analyst Version 1.0 Software

Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research
Management Zone Analyst (MZA) is a decision-aid for creating within-field management zones based on quantitative field information. It mathematically breaks up a field into natural clusters or zones based on the classification parameters and number of zones you specify.

SolarCalc 1.0

Morris, Minnesota
SolarCalc is a computer model to estimate hourly incoming solar radiation  from limited meteorological data.

SeedChaser – Version 2.0

Morris, Minnesota
SeedChaser is a 1-D empirical vertical soil tillage distribution model with 1 cm grid spacing that predicts vertical redistribution of weed seeds following user selected (a) sequences of tillage implements, and (b) initial seed distribution values. Results of this model are particularly suited for weed seed emergence modeling. However, the model can be adapted easily to any surface broadcasted agrochemical or incorporated residues. T

Nitrogen Decision Aid

Morris, Minnesota
The Nitrogen Decision Aid is a computerized program that predicts the amount of N mineralized from planting to side-dress or 5-leaf growth-stage. By applying just enough N-fertilizer to reach the critical soil nitrate concentration it is possible reduce this waste. This model is designed for Northern climates that will have some frost in the soil during the winter.

WeedCast Version 4

Morris, Minnesota
The WeedCast Software Suite is a decision aid that currently includes the WeedCast and WheatScout models. These models were created by the USDA ARS and the University of Wisconsin. The software is written in Java and is free to download and use. The source code is released under the GPL.

Zip Search – Version 0.9

Morris, Minnesota
The purpose of this tool is to estimate latitude and longitude from a user inputted zip code. This tool has been useful in collecting latitude and longitude data for users within the US that may not have known their corresponding latitude and longitude information.

SolarCalQ - Version 1

Morris, Minnesota
The purpose of the SolarCalQ Version 1 JAVA model is to simulate the spectral quality of incident solar radiation for any location on the globe, down to one minute time steps.

Global TempSIM - Version 1.0

Morris, Minnesota
The purpose of Global TempSIM is to estimate daily maximum and minimum air temperatures for a yearly cycle at any location on the globe. Global TempSIM predicts the daily average air temperature based upon 30-yr (1961 – 1990) temperature records that were compiled and interpolated by Legates and Willmott (1990a and 1990b) with further improvements by Willmott and Matsuura (1995).

Soil Temperature and Moisture Model

Morris, Minnesota
The STM2 model predicts the soil temperature and moisture conditions based on very limited user inputs. 

Global RainSIM - Version 1.0

Morris, Minnesota
The purpose of this tool is to estimate daily precipitation patterns for a yearly cycle at any location on the globe.  The user input is simply the latitude and longitude of the selected location.  There is an embedded Zip


Pacific West Area


Pacific West Area
CATS files


Pacific West Area
TN327025Plus upgrade.


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates the movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in two dimensional variably-saturated porous media


US Salinity Laboratory
Estimates parameters in several equilibrium and non-equilibrium transport models from laboratory or field tracer experiments


US Salinity Laboratory
Evaluates analytical solutions for two- and three-dimensional solute transport


US Salinity Laboratory
Statistical software package for estimating field scale spatial salinity patterns from electromagnetic induction signal data (for Windows XP)


US Salinity Laboratory
Geostatistical software package for analyzing spatially correlated data


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates water, heat, and solute movement in one-dimensional variably-saturated porous medium


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates water, heat, and (nonlinear and non-equilibrium) solute movement in one-dimensional variably-saturated porous medium


US Salinity Laboratory
Evaluates analytical solutions for two- and three-dimensional non-equilibrium solute transport


US Salinity Laboratory
Analyzes the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils


US Salinity Laboratory
Computer Software for Evaluating Solute Transport in Porous Media Using Analytical Solutions of the Convection-Dispersion Equation


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates water and solute movement in two-dimensional variably saturated media


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates water and solute movement in three-dimensional variably saturated media


US Salinity Laboratory
Simulates water, heat, carbon dioxide and solute movement in one-dimensional variably saturated media


US Salinity Laboratory
Database and program for indirect methods of estimating unsaturated hydraulic properties


US Salinity Laboratory
Predicts the salinity, sodicity, and toxic-solute concentration


US Salinity Laboratory
Estimates water retention, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity from basic soil data


US Salinity Laboratory
Numerical software package for estimating changes in solution composition due to changes in soil water content

Bio-Control Parasite

Honey Bee Research


Honey Bee Research

Varroa Pop

Honey Bee Research


Honey Bee Research

Resampling Validation of Sampling Plans (RVSP)

Pest Management and Biocontrol Research
RVSP is a software package that enables users to validate multiple arthropod sampling plans through resampling of actual independent data sets.  Plans include Kuno's and Green's numerical sequential sampling plans, Wald's sequential probability ratio test for binomial sampling plans and Fixed-sample-size binomial sampling.

WinSRFR 3.1

Water Management and Conservation Research
WinSRFR 3.1 is the third major release of WinSRFR. New features include: Physical Design and Operations Analysis procedures based on volume balance solutions tuned with zero-inertia simulation results & simulation engine improvements. 

SWAT Linux executable files

Forage Seed and Cereal Research
Dr. Gerald Whittaker's SWAT Linux executable files


NWISRL, Kimberly, Idaho
This software aids in the design and analysis of center pivot and traveling lateral sprinkler irrigation systems. The programs can be used individually or in conjunction with each other.


NWISRL, Kimberly, Idaho
Effectively managing salt affected irrigated lands and judicially using irrigation water of marginal salinity quality requires understanding the interactions among many inputs. They include soil salinity, crop salt tolerances, soil physical properties, irrigation water quality, irrigation management, water table depth and quality, climatic factors and crop yield. Visualizing the simultaneous interactions among this many factors over a cropping season extends beyond the capacity of the


Water Management Research
Software for learning about the benefits of site-specific weed management compared to a uniform herbicide application. No GIS software is needed. The benefits are predicted from weed maps drawn by the user.


Water Management Research
WISDEM simulates the variation in multi-species weed populations over time in response to crop rotation, tillage system, and specific weed management tactics and the consequent crop yield loss due to weed competition. Population dynamics of individual weed species are predicted from a limited number of parameters that can be derived from literature sources and expert opinion.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
GPFARM is a simulation model computer application. It incorporates state of the art knowledge in agronomy, animal science, economics, weed science and risk management into a user-friendly, decision support tool. Producers, agricultural consultants, action agencies and scientists can utilize GPFARM to test alternative management strategies that may in turn lead to sustainable agriculture, a reduction in pollution, or maximum economic return.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) simulates major physical, chemical, and biological processes in an agricultural crop production system. RZWQM is a one-dimensional (vertical in the soil profile) process-based model that simulates the growth of the plant and the movement of water, nutrients and agro-chemicals over, within and below the crop root zone of a unit area of an agricultural cropping system under a range of common management practices.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
SHOOTGRO emphasizes the development and growth of the shoot apex of small-grain cereals such as winter and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). To better incorporate the variability typical in the field, up to six cohorts, or age classes, of plants are followed using a daily time step.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package (NLEAP) is a field-scale computer model developed to provide a rapid and efficient method of determining potential nitrate leaching associated with agricultural practices. It uses basic information concerning on-farm management practices, soils, and climate to project N budgets and nitrate leaching indices. NLEAP calculates potential nitrate leaching below the root zone and to ground water supplies.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
PhenologyMMS is a simulation model that outlines and quantifies the developmental sequence of different crops under varying levels of water deficits, provides developmental information relevant to each crop, and is intended to be used either independently or inserted into existing crop growth models.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
HIRO2 (Hortonian Infiltration and Run-Off/On) is a spatially distributed rainfall-runoff model for event-based studies of space-time watershed processes. A grid-based routing hierarchy was defined over the watershed using the D-infinity contributing area algorithm. Computation of ponding time was included to handle variable run-on and rainfall intensity.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
iFEAT (iFARM Economic Analysis Tool) is a spreadsheet based tool developed to allow the user to assess current and potential management options for economic sustainability.  The user can evaluate lease arrangements, input costs, government programs, and insurance options to arrive at the best economic combination of these variables.  


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
SPUR2 DOS ver. 2.2 is a general grassland ecosystem simulation model designed to determine beef cattle performance and production by simultaneously simulating production of up to 15 plant species on 36 heterogeneous grassland sites. SPUR2 simulates grassland hydrology, nitrogen cycling, and soil organic matter on grazed ecosystems as well as rangeland production under different climatic regimes, environmental conditions, and management alternatives.

iFarm Record Keeper

Agricultural Systems Research Unit


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
Profit and Loss (PAL) Farm Budgeting Economic Software for Colorado Agriculture is a windows desktop software for analyzing farm operations budgets. The software was developed in cooperation with Colorado State University.


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
Screening and Multivariate Analysis for Risk and Tradeoffs (SMART) is both a web-based and MS Excel spreadsheet tool that uses the Certainty Equivalent (CE) concept for ranking risky alternatives. CE is a utility-based measure defined as the expected value of an input variable minus the risk premium (the amount of monetary value a decision maker is willing to pay in order to avoid risk).


Agricultural Systems Research Unit
Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2-GIS) is a spatial version of RZWQM2 which simulates major physical, chemical, and biological processes in an agricultural crop production system. To run the GIS component, ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3/9.2 is required.

SamplePoint Measurement Software 1.47

Cheyenne, WY / Ft Collins, CO (RRRU)
SamplePoint is a manual image-analysis program designed to facilitate vegetation cover measurements from nadir digital images of any scale.


Stored Product Insect Research Unit
SGA Pro was designed for use in commercial elevators as part of the Areawide IPM Project for stored grain. Grain samples are taken with a vacuum probe and processed over an inclined sieve. SGA Pro analyzes the insect data, grain temperatures and moistures, and determines which bins need to be fumigated.

SGA (farm)

Stored Product Insect Research Unit
Stored Grain Advisor (SGA) is a decision support system for  managing insect pests of farm-stored wheat.  The program predicts the likelihood of insect infestation, and  recommends  appropriate preventative actions . It also provides advice on how to sample and identify insect pests of stored whea

DECI, Decision Evaluator for the Cattle Industry

U.S. Meat Animal Research Center
DECI represents decision support software (DSS) created for the beef industry.  (Windows only)


Mandan, North Dakota
SPUR2 is a general grassland ecosystem model that simulates carbon and nitrogen cycling through aboveground live and dead vegetation, live and dead roots, litter, and soil organic matter.  Effect of stocking rate, season of grazing, and type of grazing system have been incorporated into the model.&l

Video Presentation by Dave Archer

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Jon Hanson

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by John Hendrickson

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Scott Kronberg

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Don Tanaka

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Mark Liebig

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Kris Nichols

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Eric Scholljegerdes

Mandan, North Dakota

Video Presentation by Rebecca Phillips

Mandan, North Dakota

LOX Calculator for Fasted Channel Catfish

Aquaculture Systems Research Unit
A review of scientific literature concerning channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus respiration resulted in the development of an interactive computer model for estimating the volume of oxygen consumed by a given fasted channel catfish biomass. Entry of ten variables provides estimates of oxygen gas consumption with respect to time and biomass, the liquid oxygen equivalent of that volume, liquid oxygen expense, and the ratio of liquid oxygen expense to gross revenue for a s

Downloading Files

Delta Obesity Prevention Research Unit

Catfish BAC Fingerprinting

Catfish Genetics Research

Mixed Linear Model Approaches for Quantitative Gen

Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research
Wu, J., Zhu, J., Jenkins, J. N.  Mixed linear model approaches for quantitave genetic models. pp. 171-180.  In Handbook of Formulas and Sortware for Plant Geneticists and Breeders, M. S. Kang (ed.).  The Haworth Press, Binghamtion, NY.  2003.

Formula Calculator

Formosan Subterranean Termite Research
A program written in visual basic for calculations in mass spectrometry. The program will calculate the possible formulas for a given molecular weight. The formulas are calculated based on known chemical connectivities and not from random atom combinations. Because of this, all generated formulas will be actual compounds.

Sorption Isotherm Spreadsheet

Bowling Green, Kentucky
Sorption Isotherm Spreadsheet

Modified Langmuir Equation Spreadsheet

Bowling Green, Kentucky
Modified Langmuir Equation Spreadsheet

PECMAN Software

National Peanut Research Lab
Peanut Curing Manager (PECMAN) is a decision support system that assists drying facility managers with inventory control.  It schedules sampling and removal times, estimates time remaining on dryer and current moisture content.  Cooperators have reported reduced drying costs and improved peanut quality.

IrrigatorPro for Peanuts

National Peanut Research Lab
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on over 25 years of scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management.  Irrigator Pro for Peanuts was the original model developed.  This computerized expert system is designed to manage peanut irrigation and pest management decisions.

Irrigator Pro for Corn

National Peanut Research Lab
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The success of Irrigator Pro for Peanuts created interest in other groups. A collaborative effort between the NPRL, Cotton Commission, University of Georgia, and the Peanut Foundation was established to create comparable models for cotton and corn.

Irrigator Pro for Cotton

National Peanut Research Lab
Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. The success of Irrigator Pro for Peanuts created interest in other groups. A collaborative effort between the NPRL, Cotton Commission, University of Georgia, and the Peanut Foundation was established to create comparable models for cotton and corn.


Horticulture and Breeding Research
ARS-Media utilizes a linear programming optimization algorithm to determine the combination of salts, acids, and bases that satisfies any given target solution of ions allowing researchers to construct experimental designs that use ions as individual factors and, hence, experimentally determine ion-specific effects on biological responses.
Last Modified: 05/06/2009