Paige Issues Statement on House Committee's Passage of Head Start Proposal
Archived Information

June 19, 2003
Contact: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today issued the following statement on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce's passage of the School Readiness Act of 2003:

"I congratulate Chairman John Boehner, Subcommittee Chairman Mike Castle and the members of the House Education and the Workforce Committee for passage of the School Readiness Act of 2003.

"I know that they share the president's and my commitment to improving educational results for all children. The president has clearly spoken: 'No child will be left behind, and every child in America will learn.'

"This legislation to reauthorize and improve Head Start is a critical component of our efforts to ensure that all children, regardless of their family background, enter school prepared to succeed. While Head Start has made a difference, it can do a better job of preparing children for school. This legislation will help to ensure that Head Start children enter school on par with their more economically advantaged peers.

"President Bush and I urge both chambers of Congress to move quickly to pass this legislation to improve Head Start and to help ensure that no child is left behind."



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