United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Plans, Budget, and Performance Home

Thank you for visiting the VA’s performance webpage.  Below you will find links to various reports on VA’s goals and performance as well as budgetary and financial data.

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Access the current Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The VA Strategic Plan articulates VA’s long-term vision as expressed through strategic goals, objectives and planned initiatives.  VA’s current plan covers the FY 2006-2011 time period. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access the current Performance and Accountability Report

Performance and Accountability Report (PAR)

VA’s PAR describes our progress towards providing America’s veterans with the best in benefits and health care.  The PAR is VA’s report card to the American people showing specific results against annual performance targets.  The PAR is submitted to the President and Congress, and is available to the public.  The latest PAR is for fiscal year 2008 that ended on September 30, 2008. Opens in new window

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Access the Fiscal Year 2008 Two-Page Snapshot

VA’s 2-Page Snapshot

VA has prepared a two-page snapshot providing an easy to understand summary of its mission, organization, performance, and financial results for FY 2008.  This concise summary enables you, the stakeholder, to quickly understand how VA performed on high priority outcomes and obtain key financial results (i.e., assets, liabilities, and net cost of operations). Opens in new window

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Access the current Annual Performance Plan

Annual Budget Submission and Performance Plans

The Department prepares a budget request and a performance plan that is submitted to Congress each year.  Together the plan and budget articulate what VA plans to achieve with the resources requested. Opens in new window

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Access the current Financial Statements as published in the PAR

Financial Statements

VA’s financial statements provide a detailed analysis of VA’s financial position.  VA’s financial statements undergo a yearly independent audit by an outside firm.  For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, VA received an unqualified opinion.  The statements are published each year in the PAR. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access the current Program Assessment Rating Tool results and status as published in the PAR

Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)

The PART tool was developed to assess and improve the performance of Federal programs to achieve better results.  A PART review helps identify a program’s strengths and weaknesses and informs funding and management decisions aimed at making the program more effective.  Each of VA’s 10 programs has undergone at least one PART review.  The results as well as our ongoing improvement efforts are detailed in the PAR and can be accessed via the "picture-link" on the left.

VA-specific PART results can also be found at the Office of Management and Budget's ExpectMore web site:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/expectmore/agency/029.htmlAdobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access President’s Management Agenda Initiatives status and progress as published in the PAR

President’s Management Agenda (PMA) Initiatives

The PMA, which was launched in 2001, is an aggressive strategy for improving the management of the federal government focusing on key areas where management can be improved.  The PAR provides VA’s progress and status as of September 30, 2008, detailed PMA information as presented in the PAR can be accessed via the "picture-link" on the left. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access Government Accountability Office High-Risk Improvement plans as plans as published in the PAR

Government Accountability Office (GAO) High-Risk Improvement Plans

The U.S. GAO identifies government-wide High-Risk areas.  VA’s responses are to our high-risk areas are shown in the PAR and can be accessed via the "picture-link" on the left.  The PAR describes key actions taken as well as key actions planned by VA to address each of these high-risk areas.

By accessing GAO’s home page at www.gao.gov, you may locate other GAO reports on VA programs. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access the current Information and Technology Strategic Plan

Information and Technology Strategic Plan

VA’s IT Strategic Plan establishes the vision and direction necessary to guide, manage, and implement the Office of Information and Technology’s (OI&T’s) operations and investments in support of the Department’s obligation to meet the needs of veterans and their dependents.  VA’s current plan covers the FY 2006-2011 time period. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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Access status of Inspector General-identified major management challenges as published in the PAR

Inspector General Audits and Investigative Reports

The Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent entity that evaluates VA’s programs and operations.  The OIG’s audits and investigative reports can be accessed at www.va.gov/oig/.  In addition, each year OIG provides VA leadership with an update on the most serious management problems facing the Department.

In the PAR, for each challenge area, VA provides a summary of key actions taken as well as key actions planned to address cited problems.  The "picture-link" on the left provides access to this section of the PAR. Adobe Acrobat Document Opens in new window

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