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What is VONAPP?
Who should use VONAPP?
What do I need to run VONAPP on my computer?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
VA Partners -- Service Organizations
State and County Organizations and Other Help
Instructions for Filling Out Applications

Start Using VONAPP

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Questions about VONAPP

Questions about VA Benefits

Maneuvering in the VONAPP Web Site

Computer Requirements and Issues

Questions about VA and Other Related Issues

Screen Reader Information

A. Questions about VONAPP

If you have problems using the VONAPP web site, or if you have suggestions after you use it, you may use our VONAPP mailbox: to contact us.  Please do not use this address for questions on the status of your claim, benefits questions, etc.  You will be redirected to one of the options listed below. If you send e-mail to the VONAPP mailbox, please do not include personal information such as your Social Security Number. If you wish to share this information, please contact VA via, which supports encryption and will help keep your information secure. 

If you have questions about benefits, need more information, want the status of your pending claim, or need assistance completing your form(s), please feel free to contact us:

For Education Benefits (VA Form 22-1990, 22-1995, 22-5490, or 22-5495) call 1-888-GIBILL1 (442-4551) to speak with an Education Case Manager.  You may also contact us via our secure e-mail service by using our “Questions and Answers” section at

For all other benefits call 1-800-827-1000, or go to this link to send VA an e-mail question:  

1. What does the name "VONAPP" mean?

VONAPP is an acronym for Veterans On Line Applications.

2. What can I do on this web site?

You can apply for VA compensation, pension, education, and vocational rehabilitation benefits.

3. Who should use VONAPP?

To file for compensation, pension, or vocational rehabilitation, veterans and some service members may use VONAPP. Service members will enter their estimated release from active duty date or retirement date. Servicemembers should not submit an application using VONAPP until they call their VA Regional Office at 1-800-827-1000 to ensure that the VA Regional Office and their military post is participating in a pre-discharge program

To file for education benefits, veterans, service members, reservists, and spouses/dependents of a "service connected" disabled or deceased veteran  may use VONAPP. If the benefit you're applying for isn't listed as an option on the VONAPP form (REAP chapter 1607 for example) check unsure for the benefit type and use the remarks section of the application to indicate which benefit you wish to apply for.

Do not use VONAPP if you:

  • Are receiving compensation, pension, or vocational rehabilitation benefits, or
  • Are applying for an increase in benefits, or
  • Already have a pending application for benefits, or
  • Are notifying the VA about dependency or income changes.

Instead, contact the VA Regional Office handling your application or benefits at 1-800-827-1000. 

4. Can I file a paper application in addition to this electronic one?

No. Do not submit the same claim through VONAPP and by mail.  Do one or the other. If you are unsure if your claim was submitted electronically, e-mail the VONAPP Mailbox at  In your e-mail, make sure to reference your confirmation number located on the confirmation page you received when you submitted your claim electronically through VONAPP.

If you already have a claim pending with VA, don't use VONAPP to apply again for the same benefit. Contact the regional office which is working on your claim before you submit another one using VONAPP.

5. What can I do to help get my application processed faster?

The more complete your application is when you send it, the faster we can process it. Filling in accurately and completely as many questions as you can on the application is a big help. For instance, if you are claiming service connection for a certain medical disability, tell us how that disability is related to your military service.

If you have questions about filing out your application, please call 1-800-827-1000 for assistance.

6. Can I attach documents to my claim?

For Education and Vocational Rehabilitation claim forms (VA Form 22-1990, 22-1995, 22-5490, 22-5495 and 28-1900):   You can attach up to 5 electronic files to your VONAPP application before you submit it using VONAPP.  Attachment size must total less than 1 megabyte and must be file type VONAPP can accept.  File types are listed on the submission page of VONAPP. 

For Compensation and Pension form (VA Form 21-526):  At this time, VONAPP does not accept attachments for VA Form 21-526.  If you have documents that you want to be a part of your claim, you can mail them to the VA Regional Office address shown on the confirmation page you received when you submitted your claim electronically through VONAPP.  Write your name and confirmation number on each page as well as your Social Security number and/or VA File number.  Remember to always keep a copy for your records.     

7. Do I have to complete every question?

No. There may be questions that do not pertain to you. However, there are some questions that will require an entry, like your name, mailing address, Social Security number, etc. Unless the form tells you not to fill out a question, complete it if you think it relates to your claim.

8. The printed VONAPP form, Veteran’s Application for Compensation and/or Pension, V A Form 21-526, looks different from one I saw recently--why is that?

The VONAPP form that you print out does not contain blocks, lines, spaces, etc., which the regular form has, but the questions on it are the same. But if you want to submit a paper form, do not print out a VONAPP form and fill it out. Use the links from the VONAPP Home Page to go to the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Home Page and there link to, and print out, an official paper form to complete.

9. Will I see the form on the screen as I fill it out?

No. You will see certain questions from the printed version of the form. VONAPP will lead you through questions from the form requiring you to fill in answers based on your responses to earlier questions. Therefore, the question numbers you see on the screens may not be in strict numerical order, and some numbers may be skipped.

10. Will using VONAPP make the application process easier?

Yes and no. There is still a lot of information needed on the compensation and pension application. It will take a lot of time and patience to fill it out whether you use the paper form or use VONAPP. But VONAPP will guide you through the form and supply you with help topics. It also edits certain items so that you will have fewer typing errors. Shorter VONAPP forms will be much easier to fill out.

11. How do I sign a VONAPP form?

Education Benefits Claims (VA Form 22-1990, 22-1995, 22-5490, and 22-5495):  With the exception of a child not of legal age applying for Dependent's Education Assistance chapter 35 benefits, your signature is not required when applying for Education benefits.  Please disregard the instructions requesting that you send your signature page to VA.  The VONAPP system will be updated at a later date to reflect this policy. 

Compensation and Pension Benefit Claims (VA Form 21-526) and Vocational Rehabilitation Claims (VA Form 28-1900):  A wet signature is not required to process VONAPP claims for compensation and/or pension benefits and vocational rehabilitation benefits.  Your electronic claim form is sufficient authentication of your application for benefits.  

12. What if I filled out the application on screen and printed it out without submitting it electronically?

If you filled out and printed your application but did not submit it electronically, we suggest you sign the application where required and mail it to the VA as soon as possible.   Be sure the bottom of all application pages contains the automatically generated VONAPP confirmation number as well as your name, and date.  Add your Social Security number and/or VA File number.  The address for mailing your application is located on your confirmation page. 

13. Can I fax my signature to the VA Regional Office? 

Education Benefits Claims (VA Form 22-1990, 22-1995, 22-5490, and 22-5495):  Your signature is not required when applying for Education benefits.  Please disregard the instructions requesting that you send your signature page to VA.  The VONAPP system will be updated at a later date to reflect this policy. 

Compensation and Pension Benefit Claims (VA Form 21-526) and Vocational Rehabilitation Claims (VA Form 28-1900):  A wet signature is not required to process VONAPP claims for compensation and/or pension benefits and vocational rehabilitation benefits.  Your electronic claim form is sufficient authentication of your application for benefits.

14. Do I still have to sign and mail in the 21-4142, Authorization and Consent to Release Information to the Department of Veterans Affairs (V A), which is attached to the 21-526 benefits application?

Yes. You should read the authorization and consent forms very carefully, sign each one in the appropriate blocks, and mail them to the VA Regional Office you see on your confirmation notice. Most medical providers require original signatures and many even require that you fill out their consent forms.

15. After I submit my application using VONAPP, how do I know which VA Office will process it?

After you submit your form through VONAPP, you will receive an automatic e-mail notice showing your name, the date of submission, and which VA Office received your form.

You will also receive an automatic e-mail notice telling you when the VA downloaded your VONAPP application.  This e-mail will show when it was downloaded and which office has it.

In addition, your VONAPP confirmation page will have the office's name and address.  After your form has been submitted, you should contact this office with any questions concerning benefits or your claim. 

16. Is the VONAPP Confirmation Number the same number VA will use to process my application?

No. The VONAPP confirmation number is only used to track your application in VONAPP. When the VA Regional Office starts processing your application, you will be assigned a VA file number. This may be your Social Security number or a VA claim number. Once you learn what your VA file number is you should always use that number when dealing with VA. Until that time, your application will be tracked using the VONAPP Confirmation Number. If you already have a VA file number, be very sure to put that on your form where asked.

17. What if I’m filling out a form in VONAPP and something happens such as a power outage, computer crash, etc., will I lose everything I put in?

No. As you begin filling out an application in VONAPP, your information is automatically saved as you move from screen to screen. So the most you will lose is the information on the screen you were on at the time of the problem. You will be able to reenter VONAPP, select the application you were on, and start working again.

18. You said that there is a lot of information needed on the compensation and pension application; what if I can’t complete it at one time?

You can suspend working on the form and come back to it up to 30 calendar days from the time you suspend it. This will give you a chance to find or verify information, seek help, etc.

19. If I return to the form and just look at it, will the 30-day suspension start over again?

No. You must make an entry or change on the form. Just looking at it will not restart the 30-day clock.

20. If I’m working on a form in VONAPP but I want to take a break, can I leave it running?

Yes, but only up to 20 minutes. VONAPP will automatically shut down if it sees no input from you for 20 minutes. Input means that you make or change an entry and then save it by moving on to another screen.

21. Will I get a warning before VONAPP shuts down?

Yes. After 15 minutes of no activity, VONAPP will give you a message warning you of the impending shutdown.

22. If VONAPP automatically shuts down, will I lose everything I entered?

No. You will only lose unsaved information on the last screen you were on.

23. If I need help to fill out any forms, who is available?

Help is available from many sources. For help on compensation, pension, or vocational rehabilitation forms, you can call a V A Regional Office toll-free at 1-800-827-1000. For help on education forms you can call 1-888-GI-BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551). You can seek help from a National, County, or local service organization, an agent or an attorney. From the VONAPP Home Page, click on the "VA Partners" button or "State and County Organizations and Other Help" for detailed information.

24. Will VONAPP check information I put in the application?

Sometimes. VONAPP checks some information you put in while you are on that page. In addition, VONAPP will check again before you can submit it to us electronically. This presubmission check will require that you change any errors found and allow you to change information with warnings attached. You can use the validate button in the upper right hand corner at any time to check the whole form immediately.

25.  What if I submitted my applicaton and forgot to print it out for my records?

After submitting your application using VONAPP, you can view and/or print it.   

From the home page, log into VONAPP.  After logging in, click on the print icon located to the right of the form you have completed.  Your application will then display for you to view or to print.         

26. While I was using VONAPP to fill out a form, I saw that sometimes everything I typed showed only capital letters and sometimes both lower and upper case--why is that?

Answers for some of the questions on the forms always show as capital letters no matter what you do. Others, such as your name, allow all characters and cases. Entries with all capital letters are the easier way to capture information in VONAPP and make no difference in processing your application.

27. Can VONAPP be used worldwide?

No. There are a few countries which do not have a sufficient level of Internet security to allow VONAPP use or which are denied access to U.S. encryption software by the Federal government. The security requirement is called 128-bit encryption. If this is not available to you for any reason, then you will not be able to use VONAPP.

28. My foreign mailing address looks different than U.S. addresses, how do I put it in VONAPP?

VONAPP mailing addresses usually have three different selections: Domestic (United States), Foreign (other than U.S.), and Military Overseas (U.S. military addresses outside of the United States). Use the "Foreign" selection if you live in a country outside of the U.S. Fit your address in as best you can in the boxes you will see when you select the "Foreign" selection so that it can be used by the post office.

29. Can I print out an official VA version of a form?

Yes. Use this link to go to a forms page where you can find and print an official version of the form:

Do not print out a VONAPP form for completion by hand.

30. Can I give VA feedback about my experience using VONAPP or if I have questions about using VONAPP?

Yes. If you have problems using VONAPP, or have suggestions, use our VONAPP mailbox:

B. Questions about VA Benefits

1. Where can I learn more about what compensation, pension, education and vocational rehabilitation benefits are? On the VONAPP Home Page, click on the "Who should use VONAPP?" Button. You will get more detailed information about what these benefits are. You can also look at the benefits section available on the VA Home Page.

2. Where can I find information about all VA benefits?

This is an Internet link to VA’s booklet, Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents:

You can also call 1-800-827-1000 and a VA Regional Office representative can answer your questions or refer you to another contact.

If your question is specifically about education, call 1-888-GI-BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

3. I’m already receiving V A compensation (or pension) benefits, should I use VONAPP to ask for an increase in compensation (or pension)?

No. If you want to have your current compensation (or pension) benefit increased, you should contact the VA Regional Office nearest you, or the one you usually contact, and ask them how to seek an increase.

4. Even though I’m getting V A compensation now, I want to apply for vocational rehabilitation benefits; can I use VONAPP?

Yes. Fill out only the Disabled Veterans Application for Vocational Rehabilitation, VA Form 28-1900.

C.  Maneuvering in the VONAPP Web Site

How do you maneuver within a form?

  1. When you begin to process of completing your application, a Table of Contents will display on the left side of the screen which gives you access to different sections of the form. 
  2. You can find the table of contents by clicking on the eVA logo in the upper left corner when there are contents to be viewed. By clicking on the table of contents, you can access a breakdown of the various sections of most forms. 
  3. There are three tabs at the top of the page. 
  • Start--Navigational and general information for completing your application is displayed. 
  • Interview--Questions are presented for the specific application you are completing.
  • Final Steps--Questions for completing and submitting your application are displayed.

Use these three tabs to jump to the major parts of VONAPP. 

D. Computer Requirements and Issues

1. Where can I get more information about what I need to run VONAPP on my PC?Click on the "What do I need to run VONAPP on my computer" button on the VONAPP Home Page.

2. Does VONAPP use cookies?

Yes. Like most Internet web sites, VONAPP uses cookies. But we only use them while you are working in VONAPP, called session cookies, to make its use easier. Do not disable cookies or you will not be able to use VONAPP.

3. Are there certain settings my Internet browser should have to best use VONAPP?

Yes.  VONAPP needs you to allow session cookies, Javascript and popup pages for the VONAPP website.  In addition, if you are using Internet Explorer, you need to select the "Every Visit to Page" option as described below.  The following information explains how to set the required options for each supported browser.    

Internet Explorer (IE)

IE settings the user should set or confirm if there are problems starting or using VONAPP:

* From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.

* On the General tab, look for a section titled either Browser History or Temporary Internet Files and click on the Settings button.  Be sure the option titled "Every time I visit the webpage" or "Every Visit to the Page" is selected.  The exact wording will depend on the version of IE you are using.

* For IE6 or later versions, go to the Privacy tab and click the Advanced button.  Check to Override Automatic Cookie Handling box and check the Always Allow Session Cookies" box.  Then go to the Security tab and click the Custom Level button.  Scroll to the Scripting section and be sure Active Scripting is enabled.


Firefox settings the user should set or confirm if there are problems starting or using VONAPP: 

* From the Tools menu, select Options and click the Content button at the top of the page.  Confirm the following settings:

** Block Popup Windows is unchecked (OR click the Exeptions button and enter to allow popups from the vabenefits websites).

** Enable Javascript is checked.

* Click the Privacy button at the top of the page.  Confirm the following settings:

** Accept Cookies from Sites is checked (OR click the Exceptions button and enter to allow cookies from the vabenefits websites). 


Safari settings the user should set or confirm if there are problems starting or using VONAPP:

* From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

* On the Preferences-General screen, be sure the "Default Web Browser" is set to Safari.

* Still in Preferences, click the Security button.

* Confirm the following settings:

** Enable Javascript is checked

** Block Pop-up Windows is NOT checked

** Accept Cookies is set to "Only from Sites You Navigate To"

4. Is there anything special I should do to close out VONAPP once I’m done?

Yes. This is very important if the computer you are on is used by other people and especially if it is in a public location such as a library. You should close all VONAPP screens by clicking on the "x" in the upper right hand corner of all pop up screens you opened as well as the VONAPP screen you were last on and the VONAPP Home Page. And before you leave the computer once you are done working in the Internet, close the Internet browser completely and, if possible, shut off the computer to help ensure that no one can see what you put in VONAPP.

5. What should I do if I have problems with the VONAPP program while I'm filling out a form?

This answer assumes that you have installed all the software you need for VONAPP, your Internet browser has the required settings, and you are following instructions. If you received a pop up message, try to comply with its request or information. Also, if the back and continue buttons are not working on your VONAPP screen, see if you can get off the page then get back on. Or you may try using the VONAPP table of contents to move off the problem screen. If all else fails, get out of VONAPP and then reenter. As a last resort, especially if you are near the end of a month, consider printing out an official form from the VA Forms website and filling it out and sending in by mail immediately. If you are very near the end of a month, call VA at 1-800-827-1000 and tell them that you want to file a claim. You can also contact VA by e-mail at one of the addresses at the top of this FAQ section.

E.  Questions about VA and Other Issues

1. How can I contact VA if I have questions about this form, how to fill it out, or about benefits?

You can contact V A in the following ways:

By Internet:

By mail: You can locate the address of the closest VA Regional Office in your telephone book blue pages under "United States Government, Veterans." Also, our addresses can be found at

By telephone:

1-800-827-1000 Compensation, Pension or Vocational Rehabilitation

1-888-GI-BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) Education

1-800-829-4833 Hearing Impaired TDD line - all benefits

2. Can I visit a VA office for help?

Yes. After you find out its location, you can visit your nearest VA Regional Office during business hours. You should call the office at 1-800-827-1000 to confirm its hours and location. If you visit a regional office, you should gather the necessary materials and complete as much of the form as you can before you visit.

3. I’ve noticed that V A Regional Offices sometimes have two addresses, why is that?

Some VA Regional Offices have both a mailing address and a street address. Use the mailing address to send in anything but if you want to visit an office, use its street address. If you are unsure of the address, call 1-800-827-1000 for information and to make an appointment, if needed.

4. Where can I go on the Internet if I have questions about my military records and how to get them?

There are links from the VA Home Page which will include these:

Link to SF 180 form to request records:

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): 


VA Home Page / VBA Home Page / Search VA / VA Site Map / Facilities Locator

 Disclaimer /Privacy & Security Statement / Freedom of Information Act / Contact the VA