A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Department of Education News

January 19, 2001

Contact:         Tom Lyon
(202) 401-1220


Margaret Goertz, a professor and co-director of the University of Pennsylvania's Consortium for Policy Research in Education, has been named to the Advisory Council on Education Statistics (ACES) by U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley.

"I am so pleased that Dr. Goertz has agreed to join the Advisory Council on Education Statistics," said Riley. "Her dedication to improving American education will be of great benefit to the council's work."

The Council reviews general policies for the operation of the National Center for Education Statistics and is responsible for establishing standards to insure that statistics and analyses disseminated by the Center are of high quality and not subject to political influence.

Goertz, who has been at Pennsylvania since 1995, previously was a professor at Rutgers University and a senior research fellow at Rutgers' Consortium for Policy Research in Education. She also was the executive director of education policy research at Educational Testing Service.

"The National Council for Education Statistics is a vital resource for researchers, policymakers and the public. I am honored that Secretary Riley asked me to serve on ACES," said Goertz.

Goertz will serve on the council for a three-year term.


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