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San Joaquin kit fox, Carley Sweet, FWS


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Regions of California

Public Comment

Deadline: May 28, 2009
Comment closes on critical habitat for CA red-legged frog. News Release Federal Register Notice TEXT | PDF (402 KB)

Deadline: May 18, 2009
Hossain Ahmadi Low-Effect HCP
City of San Jose, Santa Clara Co.
Federal Register Notice
  TEXT | PDF (48 KB)
HCP (PDF 212 KB)
Screening Form (PDF 68 KB)

Deadline: May 26, 2009
Comment period closes, 5-Year Reviews of 58 Species. News Release. Federal Register Notice TEXT | PDF (73 KB)

Open indefinitely
All information on status of longfin smelt News Release. Federal Register notice TEXT | PDF (68 KB).

To comment on any Federal rule, go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: www.regulations.gov.

Delta In the Spotlight

Delta Update

4-8-09 - Service determines that the longfin smelt is not listable under the distinct population segment policy, starts new study. News Release.

4-7-09 - Service determines that a 14-day average OMR flow of -4,000 cfs with a 5-day average OMR below -5,000 cfs will be protective of delta smelt.

3-24-09 - Service begins 5-year status review of Delta smelt (and other species.) News Release on Pacific Southwest Region website.

3-24-09 - The Service has determined that a 14-day average OMR flow of -5,000 cfs with a 5-day average OMR below -6,250 cfs will be protective of delta smelt.

3-12-2009 - Kern Co. Water Agency sues to set aside OCAP BO.

3-10-2009 - Service relaxes OMR flow level to -5,000 cfs.

3-4-2009 - State water contractors sue to set aside OCAP BO.

3-3-2009 - Federal water contractors sue to set aside OCAP BO.

3-2-2009 - Protective OMR reverse flow identified to be -4,000 cfs.

12-15-2008 through late Feb. 2009 - No OCAP actions taken (due to low water, favorable smelt locations).

12-15-2008 - Service Delivers Delta Smelt (OCAP) Biological Opinion to Bureau of Reclamation. See Delta Update (above).

OCAP BO due date now 12/15/08.

The court has extended until Dec. 15 the due date for the Service to complete a new Biological Opinion for the Operations Criteria & Plan (OCAP)

FWS to consider Delta smelt uplisting

On 7-9-08 the Service announced a positive preliminary finding on a petition to uplist the threatened Delta smelt. News Release | Q&A

FWS submits additional info needs for OCAP BO

On June 27, 2008 the FWS submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation an extensive list of additional information required in order for the Service to write its Biological Opinion of the OCAP. See our memo to the Bureau (PDF 760KB).

FWS completes court-ordered actions to help delta smelt

The 2008 FWS actions to protect delta smelt concluded on June 20, as directed by the U.S. District Court. During the period the order was in effect, about 1,900 smelt were taken at the two major export pumps. More information

(5-29-08) FWS Confirms Receipt of Biological Assessment.

Read our memo to the Bureau of Reclamation.

FWS, NMFS asked to begin formal CVP/SWP consultation

On May 16 the Service received the formal request to initiate consultation on CVP and SWP operations, as directed by Judge Wanger in his order (PDF). More
OCAP Biological Assessment.

FWS Delivers OCAP Status Report to Court

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delivered (4-30-08) its status report to the court on progress toward a new OCAP Biological Opinion, in compliance with Judge Wanger's delta smelt order (PDF).

Status Report (PDF)

Declaration by Susan Moore, Field Supv. (PDF)

Salmon Order
Judge Wanger issued his order regarding salmon on April 16, 2008. Read the order (PDF)

Newest Delta Science Report

The 2007 Pelagic Organism Decline Report (PDF) provides the most recent information on factors in the decline of Delta fishes.

Bay Delta Conservation Plan (1-24-2008)

The Service and other agencies opened a public comment period to begin early scoping for a possible Bay Delta Conservation Plan. Many agencies will examine options for moving water thru the Delta while helping conserve native species. Federal Register TEXT PDF.

Fall Survey Shows Continued Decline of Delta Fish (1-10-08)

Delta smelt, a federally protected species, were at their record low level according to the annual fall Delta fish survey. The survey shows continued decline in 4 of the 5 fish species counted. Survey Data

Longfin smelt, a species which FWS is now evaluating for possible protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, were virtually absent. Even striped bass were at their third lowest ever in the survey.

Court Sets Deadline for New Opinion to Protect Delta Smelt

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing a new Biological Opinion (BO) regarding the effects of the two large Delta export pumps on the federally-protected delta smelt.

The Service is preparing the BO to comply with a finding (PDF) by the U.S. District Court (Judge Wanger) that the "OCAP BO is unlawful and inadequate," in part because it "does not provide a reasonable degree of certainty that mitigation measures will take place."

(OCAP stands for the Long-Term Operational Criteria and Plan)

On Dec. 14, 2007, Wanger issued an interim order (PDF) directing potential pumping limits and other actions to protect the delta smelt until the new BO is completed. Wanger directed the Service to complete the new BO by Sept. 15, 2008.

News Release - May 31, 2007
Agreement to Reduce Pumping to a Minimum To Protect Delta Smelt

Latest News

May 5, 2009

Service agrees to re-propose critical habitat for the CA tiger salamander on Santa Rosa Plain News Release

April 28, 2009

Comment on CA red-legged frog critical habitat economic analysis News Release

Federal Register notice TEXT | PDF (402 KB)

April 8, 2009

Service completes species reviews, including 8 in our area. Region 8 News Release

April 8, 2009

Longfin smelt not listable. Service starts new study. News Release | Q&A.


Fish & Wildlife Journal

The Fish and Wildlife Journal records the activities and accomplishments of Service employees across the Nation. Here are recent stories from our office:

Other stories of interest:

All PDF files under 500KB unless otherwise noted.

Last updated: May 6, 2009

Pacific Southwest Region (Region 8)

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