Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige Regarding President Bush's Blueprint for New Beginnings
Archived Information

February 28, 2001

Contact:         Lindsey Kozberg
(202) 401-3026



regarding President Bush?s Blueprint for New Beginnings

Since his first day in office, President Bush has demonstrated his commitment to providing every child in America with access to a quality education at all levels. The budget blueprint he unveiled last night further demonstrates his commitment to America?s students.

The President?s budget outline commits necessary resources to America?s priorities while maintaining fiscal discipline. The President has not only dramatically increased funding for education programs in the Education Department and elsewhere, but he also has proposed the largest debt reduction package in history and a fair and responsible tax relief plan for America?s working people.

For elementary and secondary education, the President will provide the Education Department with a $1.6 billion increase and will increase education funding to other Federal agencies by $340 million. Combined with a rigorous accountability system and increased flexibility, this investment will provide much-needed assistance for disadvantaged students who have for too long been left behind.

In outlining his priorities, the President has committed almost $1 billion for reading programs and $2.6 billion for states to improve teacher quality and recruitment. He also will provide an additional $1 billion for Pell Grants for disadvantaged students seeking financial assistance for higher education. These are among the many education priorities specifically addressed by the President?s budget outline.

Together, the President and I will work to address the many needs of our students, and his budget proposal gives us the resources to accomplish his goal that no American child be denied access to a quality education.


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