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SIC Description for 2252
Description for 2252: Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division D: Manufacturing
Major Group 22: Textile Mill Products

Industry Group 225: Knitting Mills

2252 Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified

Establishments primarily engaged in knitting, dyeing, or finishing hosiery, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing women's full-length and knee-length hosiery (except socks), and panty hose are classified in Industry 2251. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing elastic (orthopedic) hosiery are classified in Industry 3842.
  • Anklets, hosiery
  • Boys'hosiery
  • Children's hosiery
  • Dyeing and finishing hosiery, except women's full-length and
  • Girls'hosiery
  • Hosiery, except women's and misses'full-length and knee-length
  • Leg warmers
  • Men's hosiery
  • Nylons, except women's full-length and knee-length
  • Socks
  • Socks, slipper-mitse
  • Stockings, except women's and misses'full-length and knee-length
  • Tights, except women's

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