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SIC Description for 7993
Description for 7993: Coin-Operated Amusement Devices

Division I: Services
Major Group 79: Amusement And Recreation Services

Industry Group 799: Miscellaneous Amusement And Recreation

7993 Coin-Operated Amusement Devices

Establishments primarily engaged in operating coin-operated amusement devices, either in their own or in other places of business. Such amusement devices include juke boxes, pinball machines, mechanical games, slot machines, and similar types of amusement equipment. Amusement (including video game) arcades and parlors are also included in this industry.
  • Amusement device parlors, coin-operated
  • Amusement machines, coin-operated: operation of
  • Arcades, amusement
  • Gambling establishments primarily operating coin-operated machines
  • Gambling machines, coin-operated: operation of
  • Juke boxes, operation of
  • Mechanical games, coin-operated: operation of
  • Music distribution systems, coin-operated
  • Pinball machines, operation of
  • Slot machines, operation of
  • Video game arcades

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