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SIC Description for 8093
Description for 8093: Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division I: Services
Major Group 80: Health Services

Industry Group 809: Miscellaneous Health And Allied Services, Not

8093 Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified

Establishments primarily engaged in outpatient care of a specialized nature with permanent facilities and with medical staff to provide diagnosis, treatment, or both for patients who are ambulatory and do not require inpatient care. Offices and clinics of health practitioners are classified according to their primary activity in Industry Groups 801 through 804.
  • Alcohol treatment, outpatient clinics
  • Biofeedback centers
  • Birth control clinics (family planning)
  • Drug treatment, outpatient clinics
  • Outpatient detoxification centers
  • Outpatient mental health clinics
  • Outpatient treatment clinics for alcoholism and drug addiction
  • Rehabilitation centers, outpatient (medical treatment)
  • Respiratory therapy clinics

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