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SIC Description for 5311
Description for 5311: Department Stores

Division G: Retail Trade
Major Group 53: General Merchandise Stores

Industry Group 531: Department Stores

5311 Department Stores

Retail stores generally carrying a general line of apparel, such as suits, coats, dresses, and furnishings; home furnishings, such as furniture, floor coverings, curtains, draperies, linens, and major household appliances; and housewares, such as table and kitchen appliances, dishes, and utensils. These stores must carry men's and women's apparel and either major household appliances or other home furnishings. These and other merchandise lines are normally arranged in separate sections or departments with the accounting on a departmentalized basis. The departments and functions are integrated under a single management. The stores usually provide their own charge accounts, deliver merchandise, and maintain open stocks. These stores normally have 50 employees or more. Establishments which sell a similar range of merchandise with less than 50 employees are classified in Industry 5399. Establishments which do not carry these general lines of merchandise are classified according to their primary activity.
  • Department stores-retail

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