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SIC Description for 4119
Description for 4119: Local Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified

Division E: Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services
Major Group 41: Local And Suburban Transit And Interurban Highway Passenger Transportation

Industry Group 411: Local And Suburban Passenger Transportation

4119 Local Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified

Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing miscellaneous passenger transportation, where such operations are principally within a municipality, contiguous municipalities, or a municipality and its suburban areas. Establishments primarily engaged in renting passenger automobiles without drivers are classified in Services, Industry Group 751. Establishments primarily operating ski lifts, tows, and other recreational lifts are classified in Services, Industry 7999.
  • Aerial tramways, except amusement and scenic
  • Ambulance service, road
  • Automobile rental with drivers
  • Cable cars, aerial: except amusement and scenic
  • Cog railways, except amusement and scenic
  • Hearse rental with drivers
  • Limousine rental with drivers
  • Sight-seeing buses
  • Vanpool operation

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