background lava flow image
NOAA Vents Program Geology/Geophysics
NeMO 2001 Video Clips

This page presents a selection of video highlights from the NeMO 2001 research expedition to the New Millennium Observatory (NeMO) at Axial Volcano, a seamount 300 miles offshore from the Oregon coast where a submarine volcanic eruption occurred in January 1998. To view a video, just click on one of the links below the "thumbnail" views. All of the video clips are in MPEG format and are available in two sizes. The small sized clips will load faster and may play more smoothly than the larger ones. To the right of each thumbnail is a brief description of the video clip. Most of the video clips on this page are played at 2 times normal speed.

ROPOS being recovered
Small/MPEG - 0.5 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.3 Mb
 <-- Black smoker plumes billowing out of a 10-m tall sulfide chimney at the Vent 1 site at south Cleft. This vent is over 300 degrees C. ROPOS console on ship
Small/MPEG - 0.8 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.2 Mb
 <-- ROPOS deploys a high- temperature probe at south Cleft which will record the temperature of this vent every hour for over a year.
Castle chimney top
Small/MPEG - 1.0 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.2 Mb
 <-- Sulfide worms frolic in warm vent fluids at the ASHES vent field. Castle chimney base
Small/MPEG - 0.9 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.0 Mb
 <-- A deepsea anenome in the ASHES vent field.
Small/MPEG - 0.9 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.5 Mb
 <-- This remotely interactive fluid sampler was deployed at Cloud vent and linked into the NeMO Net two-way communication system. octopus - part 1
Small/MPEG - 1.1 Mb
Large/MPEG - 3.0 Mb
 <-- ROPOS deploys a set of larval settling plates at the ASHES vent field to collect juvenile recruits of vent organisms.
octopus - part 2
Small/MPEG - 0.8 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.4 Mb
 <-- Close up of the eye of an octopus in the ASHES vent field. octopus - part 3
Small/MPEG - 1.1 Mb
Large/PMEG - 3.0 Mb
 <-- An amazing chain of limpets that are linked together to form a kind of bridge at a vent at ASHES.

eruptive fissure
Small/MPEG - 0.5 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.4 Mb

 <-- The NeMO Net camera in front of a tubeworm bush at the Bag City vent after a year on the seafloor, just before it was recovered.

 lava collapse pit
Small/MPEG - 1.2 Mb
Large/MPEG - 3.0 Mb

 <-- The NeMO Net camera transmitted pictures and temperatures from seafloor to shore from July 2000 to July 2001.

swimming scaleworm
Small/MPEG - 0.5 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.4 Mb

 <-- This is a new anhydrite chimney named Vixen that was discovered this year in the Coquille vent field.

 scale worm attack!
Small/MPEG - 1.2 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.7 Mb

 <-- Close up of the gas-tight sampler taking a sample at Vixen. The temperature of this vent is 312 degrees C.

swimming scaleworm
Small/MPEG - 0.9 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.4 Mb

 <-- A pool of hot buoyant vent fluid trapped under an overhang "flange" on the chimney at Hell vent (ASHES). The bottom surface of the hot fluid reflects like a mirror.

 scale worm attack!
Small/MPEG - 0.7 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.5 Mb

<-- The side of a lava pillar within the 1998 lava flow. The horizontal ribs are remnants of lava crusts that formed while the lava drained out.

swimming scaleworm
Small/MPEG - 0.9 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.0 Mb

 <-- A deepsea vent spider at ASHES.

 scale worm attack!
Small/MPEG - 0.4 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.0 Mb

 <-- A rattail fish is caught in the act while enjoying the warmth of Cloud vent.

swimming scaleworm
Small/MPEG - 0.9 Mb
Large/MPEG - 2.6 Mb

<-- A view of the sulfide chimney at Mushroom vent (ASHES) which is actively venting and is covered with tubeworms. 

 scale worm attack!
Small/MPEG - 0.7 Mb
Large/MPEG - 1.4 Mb

 <-- A row of active chimneys called T and S spires located in the CASM vent field.

More Video highlights from NeMO 1998 at Axial Volcano.

More Video highlights from NeMO 1999 at Axial Volcano.

More Video highlights from NeMO 2000 at Axial Volcano.

More Video highlights from other research areas on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges

Back to the main Vents Video Page.

Also check out the NeMO Explorer site that has virtual seafloor landscapes, fly-through movies, panoramas, and video clips.

Last Updated: 12/08/01 by Bill Chadwick
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