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SIC Description for 2741
Description for 2741: Miscellaneous Publishing

Division D: Manufacturing
Major Group 27: Printing, Publishing, And Allied Industries

Industry Group 274: Miscellaneous Publishing

2741 Miscellaneous Publishing

Establishments primarily engaged in miscellaneous publishing activities, not elsewhere classified, whether or not engaged in printing. Establishments primarily engaged in offering financial, credit, or other business services, and which may publish directories as part of this service, are classified in Division I, Services.
  • Atlases: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Business service newsletters: publishing and printing, or publishing
  • Calendars: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Catalogs: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Directories: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Globe covers (maps): publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Guides: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Maps: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Micropublishing
  • Multimedia educational kits: publishing and printing, or publishing
  • Music, sheet: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Patterns, paper, including clothing patterns: publishing and printing,
  • Race track programs: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Racing forms: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Shopping news: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Technical manuals and papers: publishing and printing, or publishing
  • Telephone directories: publishing and printing, or publishing only
  • Yearbooks: publishing and printing, or publishing only

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